Extra Edgar Toro and Iyarith Tigre

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(has two)

Bull horns: two daggers that were made for his own style of fighting and made with elemetal he made them shock his enemies with certain movements and can be put onto his head to make his horns longer and also his charges do more damage.

Bull horns: two daggers that were made for his own style of fighting and made with elemetal he made them shock his enemies with certain movements and can be put onto his head to make his horns longer and also his charges do more damage

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Break charge: two magnums that are made with energy capsules that can fire out stronger bullets but can still fire normal bullets they just do less damage when the capsule needs to be restored.

Break charge: two magnums that are made with energy capsules that can fire out stronger bullets but can still fire normal bullets they just do less damage when the capsule needs to be restored

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(The gems are red)

Bull ring: a piercing that he has on his nose that allows him to absorb attacks and also boosts the gems molded into it and covers him in flames for his charging attacks.

Bull ring: a piercing that he has on his nose that allows him to absorb attacks and also boosts the gems molded into it and covers him in flames for his charging attacks

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And now for the bio.

Edgar: he is the same n as a bull primal mother and a saber tooth primal he was only one year old when the incident happened he then met his half-brother when he was just a baby he and Iyarith got along well that even his mother accepted him as her own eventually they met their father who tried to take Iyarith but he fought back and choose to stay with Edgar and his mother that raised him.

Iyarith Tigre
(has two)

Saber's teeth: daggers that have the ability to combine with his teeth that allow him to be able to bite and hang onto everything and he uses them to his most and is careful to attack sometimes.

Linked wrath: two magnums that he has that are hooked together and when they are together with the chain they are locked from releasing their true destructive power when the chains are released from them their power can be truly devastating to the...

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Linked wrath: two magnums that he has that are hooked together and when they are together with the chain they are locked from releasing their true destructive power when the chains are released from them their power can be truly devastating to they opponent.

Linked wrath: two magnums that he has that are hooked together and when they are together with the chain they are locked from releasing their true destructive power when the chains are released from them their power can be truly devastating to the...

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(has two one on the left is water one on the right is ice)

Water/ice charge: two earings that he has on both allow him to control the elements that are based on the jewels inside of them.

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And now for the bio.

Iyarith: he was born of the same father as Edgar but not the same mother he was dropped off to her by his father she didn't think she would be able to take care of him but then Edgar came and played with him and when mother was about to take him to someone who can take care of him he called her mama for the first time she was surprised she then changed her mind and kept him as her own he and Edhar grew up together and eventually, he treated her like his mother, and the same for her one day his father came back for him he was going to take him away when he was he didn't want that so he bit him hard then he chooses to stay with his real family, of course, the father was mad and he said he would come back for him the chose to stay with his brother and mother him and brother he focuses more on tactics and strategies while Edgar focuses on mostly crashing into everything even then he still is on good terms with him and he wouldn't want that any other way.

Hey y'all I am making extra chapters for the friends hope you all like their own stories and perspective of their own lives let's see who is next comment who you all want next then if not I will pick them by random.

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