just before the wedding

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            Bella pov

I finally fell asleep about 3:30 a.m. this morning. I finally woke up and I looked at the clock and it said noon.

I buried my face in my pillow and moaned. Then I  heard voices outside.

I slowly got up and walked over to the doors that led to the balcony and opened them and walked out and looked.

I had forgotten Edwards family was coming but we couldn't forget about them.

Everyone looked like they were busy setting everything up. Then I started to get a uneasy feeling and I looked over at the driveway and saw Renee's car.

"GRR!" I seen Edward look up to me from the corner of my eye and then he turned to the driveway where I was looking at the gate.

I could feel something warm wear my crystal was and I looked down and it started glowing and I gasped and wrapped my hand around it and hurried and stepped back into my bedroom.

I let it go as it kept getting brighter. My eyes widen as I felt a warmth go through me and my eyes closed as I was brought into a vision.

"Hello sweet heart!" I looked up to see Grandma Swan standing there and I ran up and gave her a hug.

"I miss you!" I told her. "As I you. Today is your day. The evil can't see, feel, or sense what happens today. This is how it's suppose to be. You 2 we're always destined to be with each other." She told me.

Then it disappears.

     ~~~end of vision~~~

I smiled, but then jumped when I seen my dad, Edward and my son standing in the bedroom looking at me.

All I could do is smile. "I'm getting married today!" I told them. All they did was blink.

"What the hell just happened?" Edward finally asked me. "Oh you mean the bright light?" I asked him giving him a shitty grin.

"Yes, that's what I asked." He told me. "Oh that! Well no evil can see, hear, or sense anything going on today or tonight. In fact not until tomorrow night." I told them.

My dad chuckle and picked up Mason and walked out. "You mean to tell me she can't." He pointed to out the door behind me and I nodded my head.

I changed my expression to a smart ass look and crossed my arms in front of me.

"Now what?" He asks me. "We're not traditional are we?" I asked him tipping my head sideways.

He put a shitty ass grin on his face. "No, we are not." He says as he walks up to me but I took a step back.

"Nope!" I told him. "Really, your going to make me hold out on kissing you?" He asks me.

"Yepped! You got a lot of work to do as do I and let's just say it's a little pay back for you laughing at me." I turned around and grabbed some clothes to wear until it was time to get ready for the wedding and went into the bathroom and got dressed.

"REALLY! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU RIGHT NOW!" Then it was quite after I heard the door shut.

That's when I finally started laughing. I froze when I realized I actually felt whole and complete now that I was really happy I could actually feel Edwards love for me and I couldn't help but feel my love for him. Then I heard the door fly open.

"Do you feel that?" He asked me. I turned around and looked at and giggled.

"Yeah I do. But you're still not kissing me until we become husband and wife." That's when I gave him a shitty ass grin again and he tried to come after me and I took off to the bathroom and shut the bathroom door really fast and locked it.

"Have your way." He told me and I started laughing again and this time I was holding my stomach and had tears coming out of my eyes.

I finally made it downstairs and Judy was already cooking again and I grabbed a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter as I took my first drink of coffee.

"You really have Edward on edge or something today." Judy told me.

"I told him he couldn't kiss me until after we were married." I put a shitty ass grin back on my face as I thought back to what I felt earlier again and then I heard Judy laughing.

I snapped my head around and she was bending over laughing pointing towards the door way.

I turn and looked and Edward was standing there looking at me trying not to say anything and he had this look on face but I could feel him irritated with me.

I put back on the shitty ass grin on my face and turned back and took a drink of my coffee.

I could have so much fun with this. "You don't play fair!" He finally said. "No one said I couldn't, so I might as well have my fun." I turn and look at him giving him a smirk as I chewed on my bottom lip.

He jumped and turned around and started mumbling and I finally broke out laughing myself.

I just couldn't help myself. "What wrong with Edward?" I heard my dad ask but I couldn't stop laughing long enough to answer him.

"Bella and Edward can feel what the other feeling and Bella torturing Edward." Judy told my dad and we looked at each other again and burst out laughing again.

"My daughter the joker." My dad walked back out. We finally got back to cooking.

I went and turned on the radio and Judy started dancing as we we're cooking. We were having so much fun.

All of sudden I could feel Edward and I jumped because it was out of nowhere and I turned and looked and he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and legs crossed watching us.

I elbow Judy and she looked at me and then she turned and looked at what I was looking at and jumped like I did when she saw Edward.

We turned and looked at each other and then shrugged our shoulders and went back to dancing and cooking again.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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