day before the wedding

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       Bella pov

"How can you guys just stand there or should I say go back to what to what you're doing when I'm still right here and you are torturing the hell out of me." I stopped and turned and looked at Judy as she looked at me and we both turned and said at the same time.

"Because we don't care your there and it's fun to watch you get you get tortured." Then we both fell over laughing.

Edward shook his head and walked out mumbling.

"I'm dealing with lunatic's." We laughed even harder at what he said.

I turned and looked at Judy. "Want to see real torture?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded her head.

I closed my eyes and thought about how Edward made me feel when we made.

"Grr!" I snapped my eyes open and looked at the doorway of the kitchen and Edward was standing there with a shitty ass grin.

"Women your going to kill me before we even get a chance to get married damn it. Now quit." I started laughing again.

Then I sat up real quick when I felt how I made Edward felt when we made love and I turned and glared at him.

"2 can play at this game." He told me. I gave him a dirty look and knew I could do better and so I did.

I watched as he adjusted himself real quick.

"You win and you play dirty woman." He turned and walked away. Judy fell over again and started laughing again.

"Well played dear sister." I turned and looked at Judy. "Sister!" I said and she stopped and looked at me.

"Well that's what you feel like to me. A baby sister. Not just my best friend Bella. I don't have brothers or sisters like you and neither does Chuck and we'll that's what you became to us like a baby sister." I had tears falling from my eyes as I pulled her into my arms and hugged her and she did the same.

Then we heard running. "Baby why are you upset?" I giggled as I looked up.

"I'm not really upset Edward but I'm surprised at how Judy and Chuck really feel about me and these are happy tears because I finally have a sister and brother even though they're not blood." I hugged Judy tighter and I saw a smile grow on Edward's face and turned and walked out.

"Hey let's get the cooking done so we can get into the shower and then lock ourselves in my room so we can get ready." I smiled and nodded my head and we got up and got back to work.

We got done with the food and put it all in the warmers and we went and jumped into the showers.

Edward was setting a campsite somewhere on the property for tonight and we weren't leaving the property because we were protected here.

Emmett got certified to do the wedding just for us. We finally told his family what was going on this morning and know what they were okay with it.

I got out of the shower and put my underwear on and bathrobe and walked into Judy's room where she had a chair set up next to her dresser.

"No makeup, were going to leave your hair down and just curl it and no shoes because you're not breaking your neck on your wedding day." I started laughing.

"You know me so well sister." I told her. "Come sit." She told me as I did what she told me.

"Now no one leaves the property until after midnight tomorrow night." She told me.

"That's right. They can't Break the seal and they all agreed to this. Are all the rooms ready?" I asked.

"Yes! To everyone special accommodations. Edward has everything at the camp site for you 2 tonight. Chuck, myself and your dad are set up for your son and he wants to sleep with his grandpa tonight and Edward gave him permission already since you guys won't be in the house tonight." She told me.

"Good idea, Mason isn't to fond of the idea of me being gone over night like this if you think about it." She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I do, even though I can't have children of my own." I place my hand over hers and squeezed it.

She went back and curled my hair. "Everyone probably lighting the candles now and plugging in the lights and the men are getting ready about now." I did a quick nod.

"There done. Now go put on your dress. It's hanging on the back of my bathroom door. I can't wait to finish moving in here." I stood up and gave her hug.

"I can't either. This is where you guys belong. Your family and this is where family belongs." I told her.

"Don't make me cry. Now go so I can finish getting ready." I giggled as I pulled away. Then we heard a knock on the door.

We looked at each other. "Bella it's dad open the door." I made Judy open the door and my dad walked in with a black garment bag.

"Good I caught you. Now I know you bought a wedding dress, but I made a promise to your grandma Swan that on your day that I'm supposed to give you this. She said she made it for you so here." I took it from him and laid it on the bed and unzipped it and I covered my mouth mouth as the tears fell from my eyes.

It was perfect and even better then my dress and I turned around.

"Did you know what it even looked like dad?" He shook his head no. "Look!" I pointed to he and he stepped up to it.

"Dear God! How did she even get the trim to match Edwards eyes? The dress is so beautiful and perfect for you." He told me.

"I know! I only picked out what I could find is pretty and it didn't even feel right and you know that." I told him.

"I know, I saw your face. Oh wait my Mom made a special sun dress for the maid of honor hold on I just remembered and I just never saw it and she just told me be right back." Judy and I looked at each other as my dad disappeared out the door and then walked back in and handed Judy the black garment bag and I followed her to bed and watched her open it and it was white with green flowers all over. The colors of Edward's eyes.

"Dad quick, take the purple flowers out of everything thing as fast as you can. The colors are supposed to be Green and white. Go now hurry change the lights to white." He turned but stopped.

"The lights are already clear lights." I turned and looked at my dad. "Dad the flowers!" I snapped. "Oh yeah, on it." I giggled as I grabbed my dress and walked into the bathroom and put it on.

It had spaghetti straps on it and green trim and was white. But it was like thin sundress material. It felt amazing on me.

I open the bathroom door and Judy had her sundress on and looked amazing and covered her mouth as her tears fell.

"You look amazing." She said. I pointed to her feet. "Oh well, just like you I'm kinda of clumsy so I thought we both go barefoot." I laughed and my dad knocked as he came running back in with our flowers out of breath leaning back against the door with his eyes closed.

I walked over to Judy and we put our arms each other and leaned our heads together.

"I had to avoid everyone's questions including Edwards asking me why I was pulling all the purple out of everything." Judy and I giggled and my dad open his eyes and looked at us.

"You guys look beautiful. Even though you're not my blood Judy you become like a daughter to me." Judy let go of me and ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him as he wrapped his arm around.

"Thank you dad! I never had a dad to call my own before." My dad looked up at me and smile and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm glad to be like a dad to you. Now what do you say and let's get your baby sister married here." They pulled apart and Judy took the flowers and walked up to me and handed me mine.

"So you ready to get married to your soulmate baby sister?" I look between my dad and my new sister.

"Yes I am!" I say with a big smile.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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