trying to find out what is all our powers

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             Bella pov

"Eergh!" I turned around and Judy had her hand on Edward and he went to the ground. I nod my head to her and she took her hand off.

"You are one of us." Edward says surprised. Then Edward turned and looked at me.

"Did you find the person I saw in my vision?" I asked. "That's why I came in to get you." I picked up Mason not leaving him alone at all.

We followed him to the barn. I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't believe who I was seeing in front of us.

"You know him Bells?" I held Mason closer to me and nodded my head. Edward walked up to me and Mason and pulls us close to him.

"Ahh, nice to see you Isabella." I tighten my hold on Mason.

"Mommy what's that man doing here? He's bad." Edward looked down at us.

Mason started to put his arms around Edward neck and Edward took Mason in his arm.

"Daddy he is very bad, he tried to take me and hurt me." I didn't think Mason would remember that because it happened when he was one year olds.

"Who is this guy?" Edward asked. "Riley Biers. He is second in command of the cult." I told them.

Judy walked up to Riley and put her hand on him. He went down in a lot of pain.

"Why are you here?" My dad asked. He points to me and Mason. "Well you can't take them." My dad said.

"Bring him to the house Judy. I got a plan." I told her. I go to turn but Edward grabbed my arm.

"Are you sure?" He asked me. "Yeah. Think of this as finding out all the powers we do have and that includes this one to." I took and tickle Mason belly and he was laughing.

So we walked into the kitchen and went down to the basement and tied him up.

"Now who sent you Riley?" He closed his eyes like he was trying to use his power.

"Are we having a little problem?" I set Mason down on the floor and kneeled down and whispered in his ear.

"What do you want do to this man? Mommy and daddy won't get mad at you if you use your powers." Mason turned and looked at Edward and he nodded his head.

Then he turned to me and gave me a smile. I stood back up and stood next to Edward and all of stood back against the wall.

"Wait what you tell him?" He asked. "Hey bad guy, right here." Mason said as he pulled his sleeves up.

"What is a little boy going do against me?" I shook my head. "Don't under estimate him Riley." Edward told him.

I look up Edward. "He showed me." I should of known. Then we watched a ball of light in his hands and he let it grow with electric bolts in it then he open the door with his mind. Then he hit dead on and Riley was jerking around and the door shut back up.

Riley fell to the floor. "I will ask you again Riley. Who is it that sent you?" I asked him.

"Find I know a way you'll tell us. Dad you ready?" He nods his head. "Alright we need all of you to surrounded us in there."

We all walk in and when they were in place dad and I walked into the circle.

We both put our hands on his head. Then dad and I closed our eyes and I tipped back.

"Whatever happens don't let go." I told them. "Edward I need you to focus your powers on dad and I." As I felt his power.

"Mason your turn except go through your dad." I felt it. "Judy go through Mason and Edward and then me and dad." I could feel all the good. "Chuck do the same." But this time that about knocked me off my feet.

"You feel that dad?" He nods his head and smiles. Then we focus on all the good into Riley.

"Your mom sent me. There is two in charge. Renee and Phil. They also sent a dark shadow here. But its not as powerful as me." Dad and I lift our hands at the same time.

"Chuck I know you have powers get rid of him." I told him. Dad and I step back to the circle and Chuck steps in.

"I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE...AURGGG!" Then Riley exploded. We covered ourselves.

             Edward pov

I watch Bella walk upstairs like this never happened. "Daddy what's wrong with mommy?" I looked down at my son.

"I really don't know. But I'm going to go talk to her. You stay here with grandpa." I watched as he ran over to Charlie.

I found Bella in our room on the balcony. I walked over to her.

"I know I'm not supposed to feel this way but I'm actually scared for my family and you. Of course me. I just don't understand this at all. I don't know why they want us so bad?" I walked up and wrapped my arms around her from behind and she leaned back against me.

"We are staying here tonight no if and or buts about it. Judy told me what you both saw and that's when I made my decision to protect my family no matter the cost." I kissed the top of her head.

Bella pulled away and gave me a quick kiss. "Fine but you men are staying upstairs and women are downstairs." She walked out before I could even say anything to her.

Now I wonder why I broke up with her in the first place. I should of just told her and we been raising Mason together.

I do not own the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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