grandma swan tells Bella bad news

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        Bella pov

"What did you need to talk about grandma?" I asked her.

"Well you can only have one more child and even that's going to be hard because of how bad that awful evil man beat you!" Tears fell from my eyes.

I knew because the doctor told me there was a chance but put me on birth control anyways.

"Now Renee thinks she can receive your and Mason's powers by sacrificing you both but she cannot. In fact all she can do is think she killed you both and leave your bodies." I looked at her confused.

"How does she plan on taking us?" My grandma started laughing. "Well that's the tricky part now! See she is going to have a problem getting near you and Mason now since you and Edward got married tonight!" She fell back on the bed laughing so hard now.

"She doesn't even know you two got married! Don't tell her either! This is the plan." She went into detail telling me the plan then she asked me to send dad and Edward up here so she could talk to them and she told me to tell Judy and Chuck.

So I did as she told me and everything went on like it was a wedding reception now then someone grabbed me from behind and I started screaming and started hitting and kicking trying to get away from them.

"EMMETT PUT MY WIFE DOWN NOW!" Edward snapped out in anger and Emmett set me down and I ran for Edward and he took me into his arms and I buried my face into his chest.

Shaking from so much terrifying fear. "Shh, I got you. You're safe! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING EMMETT?" Edward snapped out.

"I thought I would give her a hug since she is my sister now." I started shaking my head no.

"Don't ever touch my wife again do you fucking understand me Emmett because the next time you fucking you do I will fucking beat you to a fucking bloody pulp. No one and I mean no one touches my wife that is not her fucking family and you are not my blood Emmett got me. Now back off!" Edward walked me away from Emmett.

We went over to my dad, Chuck and Judy and dad was holding Mason.

"Are you alright Bells?" All I do is nod. My dad looked at me confused and then I shook my head no.

I went to try to say something but I couldn't get a sound out.

I was confused by this. I tried again and nothing and I turned and looked at Emmett.

I started hitting Edward and pointed to my mouth and then to Emmett. His eyes widen.

"What the fuck!" He said and walked up to Emmett and had him by the throat by his hand.

"What the fuck did you do to my wife and on our wedding day?" Edward growled through his teeth.

"I didn't do anything Eddie!" Emmett told him. "Don't fucking call me that you idiot." Edward told him.

I sensed something and I hid behind my dad. Grandma swan appeared.

"You're not part of the Cullen family!" Grandma said. "Tanya!" Edward said. Who the fuck is Tanya and how does my husband know her.

He turned around and looked at me. "She's the one I told you about, remember when we moved in each other." Oh that Tanya! He nodded his head.

I walked around dad and walked over to her and stood a few feet in front of her.

I turned and looked at Edward. What is she doing here?

Edward walked up behind and wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me against him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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