judy finds out that she has powers

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               Bella pov

I woke up to the phone ringing and I answered it without looking to see who it was at oh god 5 in the morning.

"Hello!" I said. "Hello Isabella." I sat up real quick when I heard my mother's voice.

"How you get my number?" That woke up Edward. "Who is it at 5 in the morning?" He asked me.

"I have my ways dear." She told me. "Lose it Renee. I already told you that I don't want you near me or my son." I hung up the phone and Edward pulled me close to him.

"Got to change your number again." He says kissing the top of my head. I snuggle closer to him.

"I don't care what you do, but I'm going back to sleep." Edward chuckled.

I woke up later and looked at the clock and it was ten in the morning. I slept in.

I noticed Edward was already up. I got up and went downstairs. I kissed Mason on top of head. "You made pancakes this morning." I said as I poured me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah I thought I let you sleep in since you got woke up this morning." He told me.

"Who woke Bells up this morning?" My dad asked as he walked in. "Renee, that's all. She called at five this morning." I told him.

"Change phone number again?" He asked. "That's the plan. But I don't know how she keeps getting the phone number?" Edward asked.

I thought for a minute. I slap Edward in the head. "Hey now, what was that for?" He asked. "The web site." I said.

"We're changing back to email. But geez you got to hit so hard, that hurt." He was rubbing the back of his head.

All I did is laugh. Later that day we started the food for tomorrow.

"You still going to Chucks and taking Mason right?" I asked Edward. "Not like I want to leave you and Judy here on your own." I leaned my head back and smiled.

"You made it so they can't get on the property. I'm sure, I'm well protected." He give me a quick kiss.

"Doesn't mean I still like it and I am just worried about this." I turned around and cup both sides of his face.

"I protected myself and Mason for three years on my own Edward." I give him a quick kiss and he walks away mumbling.

I know I shouldn't of said that, but it's true. Then I went into a vision.


It was here at home and someone somehow got through the protection spell.

They're are outside hiding behind the barn.

      --end of vision--

"You see something Bells?" My dad asked. I nodded my head. "There's someone hiding behind the barn. Some how they got through Edward's protection spell." My dad ran out of the room.

I picked up Mason and held him close to me. "EDWARD, CHUCK, I NEED YOU GUYS NOW!" I watched as I seen Edward run by the kitchen and then he came back to the doorway.

"You had a vision didn't you?" I nodded my head. "Go, dad and Chuck are going to need your help. They're behind the barn." He turned and took off.

"So much for being safe here." I said to myself, so I thought. "Bella everything going to be OK." Judy told me.

I put Mason down and he went back to the table to finish eating.

"Judy, I got this feeling that it isn't going to be safe." I told her. Judy put her hand on me and I went into a vision.


Judy and I are having a blast being by ourselves. Up until a dark figure shows up.

         --end of vision--

"What the hell was that?" I looked at Judy shocked. "You mean you saw that to?" She just nods here head.

"Have you been able to do things just like that?" She looked like she was thinking.

"I've shocked people before, just by them touching me. But I thought it was nothing." She said.

"I wonder if your like us?" I asked. "How do we find out?" She asked me. "Tell you what, let's try something when Edward comes back in." I told her.

"You mean put my hand on Edward without telling him and see if I can shock him." I put a smile on my face.

We went back to work. "Eergh!" I turned around and Judy had her hand on Edward and he went to the ground. I nod my head to her and she took her hand off.

"You are one of us." Edward says surprised. Then Edward turned and looked at me.

"Did you find the person I saw in my vision?" I asked. "That's why I came in to get you." I picked up Mason not leaving him alone at all.

We followed him to the barn. I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't believe who I was seeing in front of us.

"You know him Bells?" I held Mason closer to me and nodded my head. Edward walked up to me and Mason pulls us close to him.

"Ahh, nice to see you Isabella." I tighten my hold on Mason.

"Mommy what's that man doing here? He's bad." Edward looked down at us.

Mason started to put his arms around Edward neck and Edward took Mason in his arm.

"Daddy he is very bad, he tried to take me and hurt me." I didn't think Mason would remember that because it happened when he was one year olds.

"Who is this guy?" Edward asked. "Riley Biers. He is second in command of the cult." I told them.

Judy walked up to Riley and put her hand on him. He went down in a lot of pain.

"Why are you here?" My dad asked. He points to me and Mason. "Well you can't take them." My dad said.

I do not own all my characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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