later that night

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           Bella pov

I was sitting on the  edge of our bed thinking after Edward walked out. I didn't know how they broke through Edwards protection spell.

I get up and walk to my dresser  and open my jewelry box. I get my crystal out that grandma Swan gave me when I was little. I went into a vision.


My grandma Swan kneeled down to me. "Now this crystal will protect you from even the most powerful of evil. Don't let your mother see it whatever you do." She put the necklace around my neck.

I picked up the crystal and looked at it. "I won't grandma I promise you."

     ===end of vision===

I couldn't of been no older then two years olds. I did as grandma Swan said and kept it hidden from my mom.

I put it on and turned and walked downstairs into the kitchen and went back to cooking.

           Edward pov

I leaned against the doorway for the kitchen watching the girls running around the kitchen. "You guys need any help?" They both stop and looked up at me.

"Yeah we can use some help." Bella said. "Hey boys, the girls need our help." I said. I walked in and even Mason walked in.

            Bella pov

I took a step back for a moment to look at everyone fast at work on getting things ready for tomorrow.

Then I seen Mason tense up. I slowly walk over to him and kneel down in front of him.

He slowly turned his little face and looked at me. I saw the fear in his eyes. "She's at the gate waiting mommy." Just then the alarms started going off.

I picked up Mason and went into the office and stood there and looked at all the monitors.

I held Mason closer to me. I could see Renee standing at the gate. But I also sense the dark shadow too.

I slowly left everyone in the office. I knew I had to find a safe place to put Mason. But that would be in mine or Edwards arms.

I was trying just get a bearing of this dark shadow. I knew Renee sent it. I stopped dead in my tracks.

I was in the dining room that was made into Mason school room and play room.

"Do you feel it to mommy?" All I could do is nod my head.

       Edward POV

I was watching the monitors.  Then I seen Bella with Mason in the play room frozen. Did they sense something I didn't? But how?

I also seen Renee at the gate waiting. Then out of the corner of my eye on the play room cam I seen something dark move.

"There look." I told them as we watched again. It moved slowly. I watched as Bella turned her head and she tighten her hold on Mason.

Then she whispered something in Mason ear. I raised my eyebrow. "What are you up to?" I asked myself.

"She's got the crystal on that my mom gave her." I turned to looked at Charlie.

"I remember that. She would never take it off either." I told him. "Not until she was around Renee. My mom said she had to keep it hidden from Renee. Bella probably had it locked up." He told me.

"Do you know anything about that crystal?" I asked him. "No sorry I don't." I finally walked into the playroom and wrapped my arms around Bella and pulled her against me along  wiith Mason pulling them close to me.

Bella looks up to me. "I seen it." I whispered to her. "Move back with me slowly." I start  moving back real slow, not letting go of Bella or Mason.

But I had to freeze in my track when the shadow caught sight of us. I looked up at the hidden camera.

I motion with my hand for everyone to get in here. Then I stopped moving my hand.

          Bella pov

We couldn't move and I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder and I turn my head and look. It was my dad.

Then I noticed Chuck and Judy was on each side of Edward. So I closed my eyes and focus on my powers.

"Mason focus on your powers then connect with me and your dad." I did the same and focus on Edward.

I felt Edward jump, but he hung on. "Dad now you." Then I felt a surge of magic go through me.

"Judy now you and Chuck too." I almost lost my balance but I was glad Edward had ahold of me.

"Now!" We, all took one hand and aimed it at the dark shadow and he disappeared.

"I think as a family we do a protection spell on this land and house, because then it will be stronger and Renee can't send nothing through no more." My dad said.

So that was what we did. We snuck outside first, to where Renee couldn't see us and as a family including Chuck and Judy we made the protection shield stronger.

Then we heard Renee scream no. which made me jump and Mason ran for Edward.  Edward carried Mason into the house and we did the same thing to the house and made the shield stronger.

Once back in the kitchen I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was my dad. He pointed to the table and Mason was fast asleep with his head on his arms on the table.

I couldn't help but smile. "I got him." I watched as Edward picked him up. "No more bad ghost daddy?" Mason asked Edward. "No more bad ghost, son." I shake my head and turn back around and get back to cooking.

I didn't know what my mom was going to do and how far she was going to go.

I knew Edward family was going to be here tomorrow night because that was when we were going to have the wedding.

But I knew this much, I was happy that I was marrying the father of my son and the love of my life.

I do not own all the characters in the story
Stepheine Meyers does.

I own the rest off the charachter and the story.

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