the reception

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      Bella pov

We walked off to a tented area to wait I guess and have a little family time.

Edward just held us in his arms and we just enjoyed the quiet for the moment and being together like this.

Judy walked in and told us it was time to come out.

We walked out and Edward set down Mason and he ran off and Edward took us over to the table to sit down so we could eat.

"Stay here and I will get you a plate of food." He told me. I smiled and I seen a beer sat down in front of me and I looked up and it was my dad.

"Don't look at me like that. You don't like champagne." I gave him a shitty ass grin ass my dad laughed.

He sat one down for Edward too. "He don't like it either." Still laughing. I shook my head sipping my beer and I seen a plate of food set in front of me.

"You don't like champagne either?" Edward asked me and I smiled and just shook my head and giggled.

I started eating. We were enjoying the food and then Judy stood up beside me.

"If I can have your attention please." She told everyone.

I smiled and Edward took my hand on my leg under the table.

"Now in the short time I knew Bella she has became like a little to me and I know she has a big beautiful heart and now she gets to share that not only with her son but with her husband and I get to gain a brother to. Congratulations baby sister." She bent over and gave me a hug and kissed on the cheek and set down.

Then I saw Chuck stand up. I put my hand on Edward thigh.But Edward tensed up and I giggled. Only because what I felt what it did to him.

So much fun. I thought to myself or so I thought and Edward snapped his head around to me and leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"I heard that and you'll pay for that later." I smiled as I took a drink of my beer.

"Now I knew Bella before I knew Edward of course and I feel the same way about Bella as my wife does. But I already feel like Edward is my little brother no need for marriage there. But he is also my best friend. We are always there for each other when we need it. But I have never seen 2 people so much in love and perfect for each other as I do these two. When they look at each other with such love there is this glow that comes from them. The bond of love they have for each other is so strong it can't be broken by no one. That's for sure. So I like to say congratulations to the both you." I smiled to Chuck.

Then I saw Judy stand back up. "If you can help and slide the tables a side we can start with the bride and grooms first dance.

I snapped my head up to Judy. "What!" I snapped out. I heard Edward laughing. "I already danced. Your seriously not going to make me center of attention are you?" I asked her.

She gave me a shitty ass grin. I stomped my foot. "Damn it!" I mumbled. Edward was laughing even harder now.

I turned and pointed my finger at him. "And you were in on it." I squinted my eyes at him.

Then I thought of something to get back at him. I kept my eyes squinted but I thought about what we did last night and he jumped.

"Fuck!" He said. "You fucking play dirty." He said. I turned and crossed my arms in front of me.

I seen his hand go in front of me and I turned my head and looked up at him.

"Come on baby!" I finally took his hand and got up and he took me out to the dance floor.

"I'm sure you know this one by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani. It's called Nobody but you." I giggled and smiled.

"I know it and sang it all the time." I told him. "Good! You can sing it with me then baby and dance with me." I gave him a quick nod and shitty ass grin.

Don't have to leave this town to see the world
'Cause it's something that I gotta do
I don't wanna look back in 30 years
And wonder who you're married to

Wanna say it now, wanna make it clear
For only you and God to hear
When you love someone, they say you set 'em free
But that ain't gonna work for me

I don't wanna live without you
I don't wanna even breathe
I don't wanna dream about you
Wanna wake up with you next to me
I don't wanna go down any other road now
I don't wanna love nobody but you
Looking in your eyes now, if I had to die now
I don't wanna love nobody but you (You)

All the wasted days, all the wasted nights
I blame it all on being young
Got no regrets, 'cause they got me here
But I don't wanna waste another one

I been thinkin' about what I want in my life
It begins and ends the same
If I had to choose what I couldn't lose
There'd only be one thing

I don't wanna live without you
I don't wanna even breathe
I don't wanna dream about you
Wanna wake up with you next to me
I don't wanna go down any other road now
I don't wanna love nobody but you
Looking in your eyes now, if I had to die now
I don't wanna love nobody but you (You)
I don't wanna love nobody but you (You)

I wanna say it now, wanna make it clear
For only you and God to hear

I don't wanna live without you (I don't wanna live)
I don't wanna even breathe
I don't wanna dream about you
Wanna wake up with you next to me (Next to me)
I don't wanna go down any other road now
I don't wanna love nobody but you (I don't wanna love nobody)
Lookin' in your eyes now, if I had to die now
I don't wanna love nobody but you (You)

I don't wanna love nobody (You)
I don't wanna love nobody but you

He pressed his lips to mine and deepen the kiss and we heard everyone clapped but we never broke the kiss until we pulled away breathless and he leaned his forehead against mine never opening his eyes.

"I love you Bella Marie Swan Cullen." I smiled. "I love you Edward Anthony Mason Cullen." I told him. We finally pulled apart or should we say we were pulled apart by Chuck and Judy and we started laughing.

Because they started dancing with us now. As they told us our turns now.

I was laughing the whole time I even danced with my with my son.

Then I seen my grandma Swan and she wiggled her finger for me to come to her.

I walked up to her. "Now I'm here until tomorrow night so the shield stays up. Now I want to explain something very important to you. Can you come into the house with me into the house by yourself?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Now go tell Edward no matter what he feels he cannot come in and interrupt us. I will meet you up there." I walked over to Edward and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around and looked at me.

I wiggled my finger for him to come closer. I turned so I could whisper in his ear.

"Grandma Swan wants to talk to me alone and I'm to tell you no matter what you feel you cannot come and interrupt us because she has something important to discuss with me and we cannot be interrupted." Edward pulled away and looked at me concerned. But nodded and gave me a quick kiss.

I walked upstairs into our bedroom and shut and locked the door behind me and sat on the bed beside my grandma Swan.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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