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After hiding in the branches for a while and scanning the area as far as you could see, Kakashi signaled to move ahead but to stay in the trees for good measure. The two of you weren't too far from the edge of the forest now, but the sun was creeping down. Kakashi gave you direction.

"Let's set up camp. I'll set traps nearby in case we have visitors in the night, try to get the tent up quick if you can. We only have 20 minutes of sun left." He proclaimed.

You started quickly on the tent and it was up in no time. Kakashi however, hasn't come back from setting traps yet, and the sun is just moments from disappearing completely. You worry and wonder if he's having trouble, and want to find him. Your instincts tell you to stay put though, so you do.

After another 10 minutes, you can't stay put any longer. You're out of the tent and into the dark woods to find your partner. A light drizzle is falling from the sky above and the trees do fairly well to keep you dry as you move forward.

You listen carefully and can hear a rustling a short ways away. As you approach, what you see isn't what you expect. In a small clearing between some trees, a small white rabbit nuzzles Kakashi's finger. He gently leans in to pick it up, and you step through the bushes to get closer to them. Unfortunately, you startle the rabbit and it runs into the night.

Kakashi shoots you a short look but smiles soon after.

"Ah sorry, should have known that would happen." You apologized to him "I know you love holding rabbits."

You didn't know why he liked them so much but, he did.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I'd rather hold you anyway." He responded with a smile that lit up the night as he moved your way. "Let's get back to our stuff." His hand now holding yours as the two of you went back to camp.

At the tent, Kakashi moved some shrubs around to better hide it. With the two events that unfolded today, both of you were paying extra attention to your surroundings. Speaking quietly and eating a cold meal to not attract attention from what could be hiding in the woods with you both.

After some time, the two of you fell asleep.

You weren't sure how long you had been sleeping, but a noise in the tent woke you. Looking to Kakashi, you realized he was still asleep. His brow was furrowed and sweat grew on his forehead as you watched him. He started to murmur something.

", get out of the way!" His voice grew more frantic and he began to ball his hands into fists. He was having a nightmare.

You quickly put your hand over his. His chakra was blazing now. You could feel it in your own palms. A thought flashed into your mind as you moved your hand away.

You could use your new Jutsu now...Kakashi would never know and you could get insight on the things that troubled him...the thought manifested into desire. All you needed was a second. You wanted to know him better. You wanted to know about the pain he hid away.

You closed your eyes and began to meditate.

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