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Up before your alarm, dressed and ready to go, you're just stepping out of your home to head to the Anbu Base for training. You stride there in a light jog to help your body warm up.

Once you get to the training grounds, you take a second to make note that you're the first to arrive. You're even there before Danzo, but that isn't long lived.

"Ah, (Y/N). I see you made an effort to be here today." Danzo steps out from the shadow of a tree, speaking to you numbly. "I reckon you're back up to par for training then, so don't think anyone will be going easy on you during today's trials."

"Of course, sir." You respond. And as you do, another member of Anbu joins the two of you. Soon after, one by one they continue to come and join the group until everyone is accounted for.

"Alright then, today's training is simple, but could prove to be quite a challenge." Danzo announces. "Today it is everyone for them self. You will face your partners in a duel."

The small crowd of Anbu stay silent, but you shoot a look over to Kakashi without thinking. Face...Kakashi? With your mind wandering in the thought of facing someone you wouldn't dream of hurting, Danzo continues.

"Basically, I've assigned you all partners so that you would grow closer with each other and learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. The real test here isn't weather you win or lose necessarily, it's to see if you can sever all emotion during the fight. Fighting without the hearts restraint is important for our members. The only way to really win, is in ridding yourself of these restraints." Danzo finished with a cold final statement. "Oh, and the duel will stop only if I deem either one of the shinobi unfit to continue, or if there is a casualty. Unless it is one of those two, you are to continue unconditionally."

The energy of the room is a hazy and there's dread in the air. Of course no one wants to fight a friend or comrade let alone kill them, but you knew the majority in the room would do as they were told, without question. You on the other hand, were petrified. You kept glancing over at Kakashi to try and see his reaction but his posture never wavered. Would he really be willing to hurt you to that extent? ...What if he could even kill you?

You drown in your thoughts as Danzo coldly calls you and Kakashi up first.

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