Night 1

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The two of you decided that resting a few hours that night wouldn't hurt, and you both set up a small area for camp.

Huddled by the fire, the eyes of Kakashi were low. You were close enough to him that there was no need to speak loudly, so you whispered.

"I wanna tell you a story." You whispered to him. His response surprised you.

"I'd love to hear it, so long as I can tell you one afterwards." He tried to force cheer into his voice and a smile onto his face, but you could tell it was far from what he was feeling.

"Of course." You assure him.

He nodded and you started along with your story, about a lone wolf.

"... and the wolf was sad that it didn't know how to howl at the moon. So then when the time came to call upon the moon for its light, the wolf remained buried in darkness, alone and afraid..."

You got your story out, and you weren't the best story teller, but somehow you got your message across to Kakashi.

"So basically, the wolf was alone because she was always surrounded by darkness, and that was because of her inability to get out of it alone, and that made her sad. Is that right?" He asked. "And she was fond of the moon for its light and guidance?"

"Yep. The moon is what she longed for because it would bring her out of the dark, but she just couldn't bring herself to howl at first." You answered.

Kakashi looked at you for a moment and then let out a soft giggle.

"Sounds like an odd love story to me." He said teasingly.

"Whatever Kakashi!" You yelled,

"Hey now it's my turn." He said softly. His hair blew softly in the night breeze. "I'm gonna tell you the story about the moon."

You listened as he spoke. The moonlight was sparkling in his eyes as he lined his story up with yours.

"The moon was sad too ya know. He beamed brightly for all of the wolves, who were his dearest friends. But one day, on a new moon, they stopped howling. All of them had died because the moon stopped guiding them with his light for just one night. At least that's what he thought. The moon found that there was another wolf, but she never howled and the moon never knew why.... " His story went on and on.

At the end of it, the two of you held eye contact.

"Finally, the wolf howled and the moon started shining brighter than ever at the sound of the howl he'd been yearning for." He finished.

It was quite for a moment and then he spoke once more.

"Are you the wolf, (y/n)?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah. I am." You replied.

"Sometimes I feel like the moon." He said, as the last ember of the fire went out. He looked to you before he spoke again. A tear ran down his cheek.

"I don't want you to stop howling. I don't want my light to go out." He cried.

The two of you sat holding each other for a while, eventually falling asleep.

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