The Hour: part 1

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"No! Get out of the way!" Kakashi shouted to you. His arms grabbing your shoulders and throwing you to the side. You slumped into some brush, leaning against a tree. Your eyes looked up, but what you saw put your heart deep down into your stomach.

The emerald haired ninja had Kakashi's arm right in his jaws. His teeth inches deep into your comrades arm. Kakashi reacted, but it was too late. He had been poisoned. Fortunately though, Kakashi was able to direct his chidori strait through Poizin's heart just as he was bitten. The enemy ninja's eyes clouded over and his body fell limp.

Knowing the severity of the situation, you forced yourself to stand and limped quickly to Kakashi. Yelling his name with knots in your throat as you made it over to him.

"Kakashi-Kun!" Your eyes stung, fighting back tears.

"Do you know how long you have?" You asks him, eyes wide and voice desperate.

"Not long enough." He cringed and balled up in the dirt, unable to continue fighting.

"From what I've heard, about an hour." He finished answering in between pulses of pain.

You tried thinking of some way of fixing this, but your thoughts were cut off by the thuds coming from behind you. The two enemy ninja in the trees were leaping over towards you and Kakashi. You knew you had to move quickly, but it was almost impossible with the condition of your leg. So, throwing kunai, you waddled away from Kakashi as he slid behind a tree.

The enemies stopped just in front of you, looking you up and down as one began to speak.

"Hmph...looks like our slime isn't working fast enough on this one. I wonder why." The smaller of the two seemed puzzled that your leg was only immobilized up to the knee.

"Nope. It's just your slime. Mine however, will get the job done right." The larger shinobi croaked as he lunged forward in your direction. As he neared, you jumped with one leg just high enough that he only grazed his fist on your good leg for a moment.

In that small second, you used your Dokushin Jutsu. You had one minute to take the large and toad like enemy down.

You came down onto the ground hard, falling on your back. Both legs now useless, but you were able to sit up. Your hands started signing and you vanished from in front of the enemy. Appearing straddled over a tree branch, your hands moved quickly again. The enemy was plotting, but so were you.

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