The Hour: part 3

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Hand signing as you continued forward, you shouted out your next Technique.

"Demon Illusion: Tree Binding Death!"

Trees closest to Poizin began to stretch their stiff branches, hurling them towards him. Their limbs reaching out like hands, grabbed him up from the forest floor. More trees sprung up from the ground, summoned to bring him back into the dust from which he came. Kakashi sprinted towards him, climbing the entangled branches as they brought Poizin tightly into the air.

Within seconds, Poizin was immobilized and 12 feet off of the ground. Even his mouth was covered by wooden arms. All that was visible was his yellow eyes, wide and darting around in panic. The serpent had been caught in an inescapable cocoon of bark and other wooden flesh.

Kakashi approached Poizin up in the trees with his Chidori activated. In a clean sweeping motion, his hand had beheaded the snake-like shinobi. There was a shudder in Poizins body as his head tumbled down the twists and turns of the prison of trunks holding him. His body began to gurgle, turning into a dark liquid that trickled down the tree bark.

Noting that Poizin was no longer a threat, you and Kakashi turned to look for the final remaining enemy. However, the small and toad like shinobi couldn't be seen or felt.

"Let's get back into the trees to get a better look." Kakashi advised you as he leaped into the air, landing on the branch directly above you. You moved to follow, but as you bent your knees to launch yourself, you collapsed.

Your chakra had been depleted. You wouldn't be able to fight anymore today, and needed to rest soon or you'd be at risk of not recovering quickly enough to maintain the status of the mission you and Kakashi were on.

Kakashi jumped back down to you when he saw you fall. He looked concerned but seem to understand the situation without your explanation.

"(Y/N), let's get you to the tent. I'll keep watch tonight, but I don't think that other ninja will be coming back. He seemed too low ranking to stand a chance. Probably fled when he saw his two comrades go down." Kakashi spoke softly to you, knowing it would help comfort you. His hand reached up gently stroked your hair all the way down to the end, then he placed it into the grass that was cradling the two of you. Your head was resting in his lap and the you spent a few seconds lost looking into each other's eyes before he picked you up and carefully carried you to the tent.

"That was a really strong Genjutsu." Kakashi had a little enthusiasm in his voice as he placed you down on the floor mat. His eyes were giving hints that he had a light smile under his mask.

"I'd say that that was one of the most effective Demonic Illusion Techniques I've seen. Kurenai is probably the only ninja in the leaf village that could best it. Well, me too of course." He let out a lighthearted chuckle. It was a refreshing contrast to the fighting that was now over. You knew you could rest and that you'd be safe with Kakashi watching over you.

"(Y/N), I've said it in other ways, but you should know that I lov..." as Kakashi went to speak again, he was interrupted by the sight of you sleeping. He gave you a soft peck on the forehead before stepping outside the tent to keep watch over you.

Outside the tent, kakashi could be seen by all of the small critters of the forest, smiling under his mask with thoughts of you rolling through his mind. The moon giving his grey hair a soft glow. He whispered to himself under his breath.

"I wonder if she knows."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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