[i love my brother]

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description: nick and chris haven't been the closest growing up, nick would try to be affectionate and nice with chris, but chris wouldn't reciprocate it, so nick believed that chris didn't love him

tw: crying, pet names😭, fluff, long oneshot

third person's pov*

age: 7

"hey chris! wanna play with chalk with us?" nick excitedly asked his youngest triplet. nick and matt were drawing on the sidewalk while chris stood at the door, staring at his older triplets. chris just looked at nick and went inside. nick sighed and looked down sadly.

matt moved next to him. "hey, it's ok! he probably needs to help mom with something. he'll come around." he rubbed nick's back, but nick shrugged him off.

"easy for you to say, if you would've invited him, i bet he would've joined us. he just doesn't like me." nick said, sadly. he then stopped talking and finished his chalk drawing that he was doing. it was of him and his family as stick figures, with everyone holding hands and it was from oldest to youngest. nick looked at the chris figure sadly, his eyes started filling with tears as the thought that chris didn't like him hit him.

nick ran to the triplet's shared room and jumped on his bed and cried. he ran past chris, who was helping his mom and who looked at him, noticing he was crying. matt then came inside with the chalk they were just playing with. matt set it down where it was supposed to and walked to the room. mary lou stopped him.

"is nick ok? he ran to your room crying." she asked. matt sighed. he looked at chris who was silently standing behind their mother. his eyes widened as he realized he was the reason.

"he's just having a bad day, mom. i'll make sure he's ok." matt lied. chris looked down at his shoes as matt passed by him. mary lou sighed and chris and she (using my grammar skills even though they make sentences make no sense) continued working.

later that night, when chris walked into their room, he saw nick in matt's arms sniffling quietly while matt played with his hair. chris looked down and walked to his bed. when mary lou walked in to tuck them in, she turned off the light and said, "goodnight, boys. i love you." nick replied with a soft voice,

"goodnight, love you guys, too." he even meant it to chris.


age: 13

"hey nick, do you want to hang out with me, chris, and nathan?" matt asked as he walked into his brother's room. nick looked up from his game and said sure. matt left as nick went to change and get ready. as nick walked downstairs quietly, he heard fighting.

"-y did you invite him?! i thought it was just us and nate?" chris yelled. neither of their parents were home, so only nick heard them. "besides, i don't want to hang out with him, you know that!"

"nate wanted me to invite nick! he hasn't seen him in a few weeks." it was the summertime, and it's been a month since school ended. "besides, i thought you were the one who wanted to be nice to him? you know he hasn't been feeling the best the past few days." matt defended nick. nick bit his lip as he knew he couldn't stay hidden any longer. he rounded the corner into matt and chris's line of sight.

"on second thought, i'll just stay here, you guys don't want me there, and dad would probably need help when he gets home." nick said, running back to his room once he was finished.

"nick, wait-" matt stopped as nick had already run away. he sighed and turned to chris who was looking down at his feet, biting his lip. "now look what you did."

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