~anger pt. 2~

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description: nick gets so angry that he accidentally hurts himself and matt and chris patch him up

credits: ChrissyOwenRose

tw: anger, injury, blood, broken glass

nick's pov*

ever since my brothers found me crying in my room after having an anger-flash (i like to call them that because it only lasts for a short period of time before it's over and i just feel upset), they've been cautious around me and watch what they say all the time. it's nice and all, but it's getting annoying because they think that even the slightest thing will set me off.

they might be true with that, but it's not like i'll explode if they mention anything triggering. anyways, i woke up this morning and was getting ready in the bathroom near my room. it was semi-early, so i didn't expect my brothers to be up at all. they weren't, so i went back to my room and unconsciously locked my door. i usually do that for some reason, maybe to feel safe in my own room. anyways, i laid down on my bed and scrolled through mine and my brother's youtube account comments.

a lot of them were about how they thought we were hilarious and how we should post more often. some were bad ones, though. about how we fight a lot and how i get too rough with my brothers. i really don't mean to, it just comes out more aggressive then i intend it to come out. what's worse is that the more i scrolled, the more i saw the comments and people that hated me. more people and comments criticizing my moods and how i look and how i act. how sometimes i become very quiet in the back when i get too angry and how it ruins the video because then matt and chris feel bad and awkward and then the video ends because we have to go home to calm me down.

i angrily turn off my phone and throw it across the room, not wanting to see it at all and be reminded of what i read. i tried to calm myself down, knowing that i shouldn't listen to them and ignore them, but i couldn't. and matt and chris weren't awake yet, so they couldn't help me at all. my breaths came out heavy and fast and i started feeling really hot. tears already started to fill my eyes as i looked around around my room. matt once taught me that if i'm in my room and feel angry, just punch or scream into something soft and punchable. so i went around my room punching different soft objects that are punchable.

it calmed me down a little bit, but i was still angry, so i continued punching things. i was about to punch a stuffed animal that was on one of the shelves on my wall (not rich, i promise), when my fist missed and smashed into the mirror beside the shelf. instant pain flooded my hand and arm as i felt the broken glass dig into my skin. i cried out, dropping to the floor on my knees and gripping my wrist, hoping that that'll cut off the blood circulation to make it numb (idk if that can happen, it's currently almost 12am and i'm tired).

"sh-shit!" i let out as i doubled over in pain, tears filling my eyes and rushing down my face. i felt every glass shard that was in my hand and felt the blood dripping down my arm. i heard two sets of running footsteps down the stairs and to my room, but when they got to the door, the doorknob kept jiggling, but wouldn't open.

"nick! nick, open the door!" i heard chris yell. i didn't want to move, though. i couldn't, not without the glass sinking in deeper. i just kept crying as new waves of pain kept washing through my arm. "shit, matt, go get the key, i don't know where it is." i heard chris say.

the door stopped banging for a few seconds and then the doorknob jiggled again and chris and matt basically broke down the door. "oh my god..." i heard matt whisper. they both rush over to me and chris take's my hand while matt gently pulls me into his arms and pushed my head into his shoulder. "shh, shh, it's ok bubba, it's ok."

"bambi, what happened?" chris asked, cautiously. i didn't respond, knowing that if i did, it wouldn't be coherent and so i just pushed my hand closer to him. "shit, i'm gonna get the first-aid kit." and he ran out.

"hey, you're gonna be ok, bambi, we'll get the glass out of your hand." matt tried to comfort me with rubbing my un-hurt arm, i just looked down and cradled my bleeding hand. chris soon came back with a bunch of medical supplies that i didn't even know we had and he carefully took my hand, inspecting it.

"i'm gonna have to pull out the glass, even the really deep ones, so it's gonna hurt. do you want anything for the pain?" chris asked. i shook my head, thinking i could take the pain and he took my hand gently again and grabbed tweezers. i felt matt tighten his hold on me. he didn't really like blood or anything gory. or maybe he just didn't like seeing me in pain.

the second he grabbed onto one of the glass shards, i winced and squeezed my eyes shut. i felt a hand grab my free one and looked up at matt. he looked really worried for me and rubbed the back of my hand, his other one rubbing my back. i decided to just keep holding his hand and squeeze it whenever the pain got too much or chris was too rough.

chris soon plucked the last glass shard out of my hand and my grip on matt's hand lessened and i soon pulled away from him all together. i sighed as chris started bandaging up my hand and i pulled my hand away once he was done. i felt matt wipe the stray tears that ran down my face, and pick my head up to look at him.

"are you okay?" he asked softly. i nodded, looking back down, but matt just lifted my head up again. "are you sure?" i just nodded again. "bambi, we know you aren't. what happened?" he asked.

"i just got mad and punched a mirror, that's all." i mumbled.

"bambi, that's not ok. we know you don't mean to, but you need to try to get your anger calmed down. we know your trying and don't mean to, but you're outbursts are still happening and when they do, nothing good comes out of them." chris stated. i nodded, knowing that they're right.

"i know, i tried using one of the ways matt told me, but it backfired. maybe nothing can help me now." i said sadly.

"hey, don't say that. we'll find a way to calm you down that works even when we aren't there." matt said, sternly. i nodded and we all stood up, deciding to drop the subject for now and eat breakfast. none of us felt like cooking so we ended up just driving to mcdonalds and getting breakfast there.

we ate inside and i was scrolling on my phone while matt and chris were talking. i scrolled past something, but then scrolled to it again. it was an article about how teens now are exibitting more symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder then teens a few years ago. i got really interested and looked up what IED meant. i scrolled through the results: repeated, sudden episodes of impulse, violent, aggressive behavior. did i have that? i tapped matt's arm quietly and showed him the article.

"do i have that?" i asked quietly. he took my phone with a confused face and read it, his mouth mouthing the words. matt's face turned to shock and i could see he was connecting the dots. he gave my phone to chris and chris read it, too.

"maybe, you have most of the symptoms. we can go to the doctor soon if you want a diagnosis or at least told if you have it or not." chris replied. i nodded and we finished out food, driving home to ask mary lou if she can set up an appointment for me.

third person's pov*

when nick went to the doctor, he did get disagnosed with IED and got medication that'll hopefully level out his emotions. he did have to go into psych ward at one point because the medication actually made him more angry. he was soon put on the right medication and was able to be released once the doctor told him he could be. the medication didn't mean that he wouldn't get angry or have bad outbursts, but he was a lot more calm when he got mad.

matt and chris helped nick out whenever they could and it did take a few weeks for the pills to take effect fully, but they did balance out his anger. matt and chris were glad they acted on it when they did, who knows what would've happened if they didn't do anything.

nick never hid his IED and actually revealed it to the fans and explained what's been happening and said that he wished they would understand why they weren't active on social media that much. the fans did and supported the family along the way. and so did matt and chris, because they were nick's number 1 supporters.
ok and that's the end of this one:))
i wanted to get another one out and i promise the next one will be about chris, and then matt, and then back to nick:)
i hope you guys liked it!!
like always, please like and comment any ideas you guys have:)
see you guys in the next one!

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