>failed help<

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description: matt attempts to help mary lou when she struggles and ends up making it worse

credits: hornswaggled

tw: yelling, crying, slight injuries

Matt's pov*

The day started off good, i promise. It's just that...as the day went on, my clumsiness just started shining more and more. I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning. My older brother, justin, needed help moving his stuff from his apartment into another apartment that was an upgrade. Me and my two triplet brothers agreed and we traveled over to his place to help him pack.

I only dropped a few things while packing, which was a huge win, but justin still got a little annoyed at me. So he assigned me with stuffing the pillows and blankets and less-breakable things into the u-haul. I thought that could be okay. I felt bad, though, since i could help with the heavier things, but would probably just drop them everywhere.

I was doing a good job on putting the non-breakable things in the u-haul, but then justin came out and said i was doing it all wrong. He sighed and put the box he was holding down and switched everything around. He looked at me and looked conflicted. "Matt, i know you really want to help, so i'm going to put you on getting boxes, folding them, and taping them up. Me, nick, and chris will pack up everything."

I must've looked a little sad at that, because justin gave me a small hug and ruffled my hair before walking away. I sighed and walked over to justin's car where the rest of the boxes were and i picked up a few, carrying them into the house. I folded them so we could pack them and then went over to the already full boxes and started taping them up.

"Hey matt, what are you doing?" nick came over and asked me.

"I guess i put things in the u-haul the wrong way and justin reassigned me to box-duty." nick gave me a pitiful smile and rubbed my shoulder before he walked away. I finished taping the box and put it next to me, moving onto the next box.

The job was getting easier and easier and justin came in and smiled at me doing my job better and my clumsiness not peaking through. He came over and picked one of the boxes up and walked out. I didn't see any more boxes to tape up and there weren't any more boxes in justin's car to fold up, so i just decided to help bring the boxes out again.

I carefully picked up one of the boxes and it felt a little on the heavier side, but i dealt with heavier things, so i decided to deal with it and i walked out of the apartment. I was trying to watch my step down the small hill, when i heard someone shout my name behind me. I quickly turned around, thinking i did something wrong, and accidentally let the box slip through my fingers. The box fell on my toe and i immediately fell to the ground, grabbing my foot.

Everything happened so fast. Chris needed my help with something, so he shouted for me, nick was coming out of the house to look for me, justin was putting a box in the u-haul, and i was carrying a box full of heavy books. I don't remember what happened, but what i do remember is justin coming over and screaming at me about how i never do anything right and made the day much more stressful than it needed to be.

Tears sprung into my eyes as the pain in my toe became more apparent and justin was yelling at me more. I felt someone pull me into their arms and saw someone else stand in front of me, telling justin to stop.

"Matty, it's okay, it's okay. You did nothing wrong." nick whispered. I dug myself deeper into his arms and pulled my hand away from my toe to look at it. I was wearing slides, so it was easier to see my foot and my two toes had bruises that were slowly forming. Nick continued comforting me while chris took justin into the house to cool him down. I looked over at the box and it was a bit destroyed from being dropped, but none of the books were in bad condition.

Nick slowly pulled me up from the ground and told me to sit in the car to calm myself down and that they'd be finishing up soon. I nodded and hiccuped as i closed the door to the car. I turned the car on and listened to the radio. The tears slowly stopped flowing and i leaned against my seat, feeling tired.

I woke up to the sound of my door opening and i looked over, seeing chris and nick there. "Hey, we're done now, just need to drive to the new place and help justin bring the boxes into his house and then he said he could unpack everything." i nodded and my brothers climbed into the car and i drove all three of us to justin's new house, mainly following the u-haul.

I parked on the road and we all got out when justin got out and opened the u-haul. I stayed behind as my brothers walked forward and helped with the boxes. I felt bad not doing anything, but i felt like my brothers understood and didn't expect me to try to help with what had just happened. I played with my phone and keys until my triplets walked over to me and told me they were done. I saw justin come outside and thank the u-haul driver as he drove away.

He looked over at me and sighed before walking over. Nick and chris got into the car as justin arrived. "Hey matt." he said.

"Hey." i replied. It was silent for a few seconds.

"Look, i'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just really stressed out today and when even the slightest thing was wrong, i got even more stressed. And when that box dropped, i was worried for you and worried for whatever was in the box and i got mad that you didn't listen to me when i said to leave putting the boxes into the u-haul to me, nick, and chris. I didn't mean it when i said that you never do anything right, you just do what you can to help and sometimes it doesn't go how you want it to. And i'm sorry that i made you cry even when you were hurt." he apologized.

"Justin, it's okay. And i was crying because i dropped the box on my toe and it really hurt." he laughed at that. "And it's okay, i knew you were just stressed out." justin smiled and gave me a hug which i returned. "But we gotta go now, so see you later!" i said and he nodded and i climbed into the car, all of us waving to him as we drove off.
ok, a little earlier than usual because i have it done and i'm bored and my life sucks atm
i hope y'all liked it, and i forget who requested it, but here you go:)
i'll post another one on saturday, but i just wanted to surprise y'all:)
i'll see you guys in the next one!!

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