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description: nick likes to regress a lot, but his brothers don't know and he's terrified if they ever find out

gonne be really long

got this idea from tripguilty so y'all should check out their age regression book, it's really good. but anyways, this idea came from them so all credits go to them (from the oneshot, 'bathtub pellet' but not like it at all)

tw: regression, crying

third person's pov*

nick was in his room again, sucking on his paci and playing with his stuffies. he did this a lot. whenever matt and chris were either asleep or not home, nick would let himself regress and slip into (mostly) a toddler mindset. sometimes it was younger, though, and those times were when he was sick or not in a good mental state. those times he almost revealed himself to matt and chris, but either regressed back to his 19-year-old-self, or regressed to an older age and stopped himself.

matt and chris never knew about this side of nick, he was terrified of how they'd react if they knew. the only person that knew was mary lou, she didn't mind, that's how he got most of his toys. mary lou would secretly buy them at the store and sneak into nick's room and give them to him.

anyways, matt and chris were out with their friends. they didn't give nick the choice to go, just thinking that nick wouldn't want to, and left him alone. nick was very sad that they left him out, and just went to his room and grabbed rich, his favorite stuffie. he grabbed his paci and put it in his mouth, already feeling his mind slip. nick regressed to a two year old, one of the younger ages he would go to. he walked around his room and grabbed all of his stuffies, putting them all on his bed and starting talking to them.

most of his words were messy because of the pacifier, but also because his speech wasn't very good. nick giggled loudly as he imagined his stuffies having conversations. all of a sudden, he wanted to call his brothers so that he could tell them what happened with his stuffies. he knew he couldn't though, so he settled for just watching some of their old youtube videos to hear their voices. nick wasn't really listening to what they were saying, he just started talking about what his stuffies said and then listened to matt or chris speak for a few seconds and then talk again.

but it didn't feel the same. so, two-year-old nick ended up sloppily going to his contacts and tapped on chris's number, giggling the whole way and not really thinking it through. nick's mind suddenly snapped back and realized what he was doing. that was when chris answered the phone.

"hey, nick. what's up?" nick heard chris and some voices in the background. nick was too terrified to say anything. "nick? you there?" nick shook his head rapidly even though chris couldn't see him. his eyes started filling with tears as he didn't know what to do.

"s-sowwy, wong number." nick whispered and quickly hung up the phone. his eyes widened as he took in the situation. he just called his brother, when he was regressed. and he didn't even try to hide it. nick was screwed. tears started to all down his face as his hands started to shake. he had to put everything away and get back into his normal headspace. nick grabbed his stuffies and put them away, in the last box in the back of his closet. he dreaded taking his paci out of his mouth and having to hide it when he needed it the most, but put it in the box, too and went around his room, making sure that everything was put back.

the tears never stopped and his hands never stopped shaking. nick grabbed rich and cuddled him close to his chest. having him close comforted him. his face was still wet with tears and snot and he knew it would probably never stop. he made a split decision and ran back over to his closet, pulling out the box and grabbing the pacifier and putting it in his mouth. sucking on something always made him feel safe for some reason.

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