Starting over... I guess.

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It has been 3 weeks since they broke up and to be honest it looked from the outside that Dipper and Pacifica were really happy, but no one really knew they were going out, or used to anyways, they kept it a secret so it wouldn't ruin Pacifica's appearance. Although Pacifica didn't mind telling people that they were together, Dipper told her that it will be better if they kept it a secret and Dipper knew that if her dad finds out they will not aloud to talk to each other again and that he knew that Pacifica will get hurt.

From the inside however, both were feeling depressed, you'd think that they will just get over it but Pacifica missed the brunettes nerdyness and Dipper missed the blondes occasional jealousy when he talks to a girl about the school work. But none of them would admit it.

To keep her mind away from Dipper, Pacifica started to date Joe after two weeks, it was the best option for her since Joe would be the perfect type for the girl like her, well that's what she thought.

The cheerleading squad was getting ready to head off after their practice on the school field, Pacifica was getting her Pom poms which she left on the ground and when she looked up she saw the wide white smile of Joe, which was coming over after his football practice.

"Oh I didn't see you there" Pacifica smiled at him while Picking up her Pom Poms.

"Well I did" Joe replied smiling and Pacifica giggled.

"Hey you wanna go by the lake side tonight you know to just stroll around and admire the view?" Joe asked.

Pacifica was going to answer but behind of Joe in a distance he saw Dipper under their tree with Amanda they looked like they were really happy, Dipper looked like he was laughing at something and so was Amanda, Pacifica couldn't go over their break up but it was nice to see Dipper did and that made Pacifica smile.

"Pacifica?" Joe looked over his shoulder to see what was happening but he got interpreted from turning when Pacifica answered

"Yeah sure that'll be great!" Pacifica smiled at Joe

"Great! We'll meet up there at 6 if that's fine with you?" Joe asked

"That'll be just fine" Pacifica smiled
They both kissed and Joe left to go to the changing rooms. This left Pacifica having a clear sight of their tree and She saw Dipper waving off to Amanda leaving Dipper alone under the tree. Pacifica smiled at him once more before sighing and heading to the changing rooms.

"Yes i told you tiny gnomes did attack me and my twin sister when we were twelve!" Dipper was laughing with Amanda since Amanda couldn't handle that Dipper was attacked by tiny gnomes and that he thought gnomes were real.

"Gnomes aren't real, stupid" Amanda said still laughing, wiping a tear away from her face from laughing to much.
While Amanda continued to laugh he looked to the field where he saw Pacifica and Joe kiss, Dipper wasn't handling the break up too easily but it was nice to see that Pacifica was and he smiled at that.

"Anyways" Amanda giggled from her previous laughing "Dyou wanna go to the lake side you know just to chill and talk about more of you crazy stories which non of them are true" She starts to laugh again in the thought of gnomes

"Haha I'm telling you, they're real!" Dipper laughed with her again.

"And yeah that'll be great"

"Awesome" Amanda punches Dippers arm lightly "we'll meet up at around 6 alright?"

"Yeah that'll be alright" Dipper replies smiling at her.

"Well I'll have to go now so my parents will allow me to go out so cool, I'll see you at 6" Amanda waved Dipper off and he waved back. Dipper leaned his head back on the tree and he looked to the fields again and he saw Pacifica walking into the distance, Dipper smiled before sighing and eventually he headed out as well.

I'm really sorry if this is getting to repetitive for you and sorry for this one being shorter than the others 😁 but don't worry it will improve. Also don't worry I will be writing one shots in between this story and the one shots will be based on anything. If you guys wanna tell me what you want me to right (it has to be a Dipcifica) just comment down below and if you like it pls place it in your library and fave/rate thanx


My other dipica novel ~~ Dipper is not what he seems~~ and ~~ Dipcifica one-shots

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