Mistakes happen..

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"Ah Mr Harrison! Glad you can make it" Preston shoved Dipper away to shake Mr Harrison's hand.

"Please Preston, call me James" He replied not shaking his hand back.

"Oh right, yes yes, James please come in, sorry for the mess" Preston squinted at Dipper as he said mess.

"Joseph are you coming with us or are you going to stay here with your friends" James gave Dipper a despising look since he is the odd one out.

"I'll stay here father, you won't have to worry about me" Joe said politely giving Preston a good expression.

"Very well, see you boys and girls later" James and Preston walked into the Mansion talking about business things, leaving Joe, Dipper and Pacifica alone.

"What are you doing here!" Joe snarled at Dipper.

"I was going to say the same thing.." Dipper snarled back, both took a step closer to each other looking like that they were going to start a brawl but Pacifica came in between them.

"You guys stop it already, both of you's have already busted the caps off from each other" Pacifica whispered annoyed.

Joe pushed Dipper away from his reach, Dipper almost fell but he regained his balance.

"Anyways, this is for you my madam" Joe brushed himself off before pointing the bunch of rare roses at Pacifica.

"First of all I am not your Madam, and second of all I don't need the roses, you've brought the same ones every weekend." Pacifica crossed her arms then she squinted at Joe.

"What has gotten you into a knot" Joe said in sass.

"I'll tell you what's getting her in a knot! You! You're getting her into a not! Can you not just leave her alone for one day!" Dipper stood in front of Pacifica, protecting her from Joe.

"Oh looky here! Is he your knight in shining armour!" Joe teased as he looked at Pacifica.
"You can't stop me Pines, her father and mine are business partners, making me and Pacifica Perfect together!" Joe was about to hold Pacifica's hand but Dipper grabbed onto his wrist tightly.

"You guys together are far away from Perfect" Dipper threw his wrist back an Joe held it besides him, hurt.

"Guys who beat their misses are not perfect, guys who are not loyal to their misses are definitely not perfect either!" Dipper walked towards Joe furious.

"Guys like you doesn't deserve girls like her" Joe was backing away from Dipper because be was afraid of what he could do, what happened last time.

"Woah woah, you know you didn't have to get that close, I mean you don't have to show your toughness just to show off in front of, your.. Crush" Joe teased once more.

Dipper grabbed Joe by his caller putting him on his toes.
"I'm not impressing anybody, and hitting your girlfriend doesn't make you tougher either!" Dipper let go of Joe as he pushed him over leaving Joe on the floor.

"Hey! Do you know how expensive this white suit is!" Joe complained.
As he was getting up he saw a woman in a red dress standing behind him.

"Oh good afternoon Mrs. Northwest!" Joe put his hand out for Mrs. Northwest to shake. But she just looked at him in dismay and she ignored him as she walked over to Pacifica.

"Is this true.." Mrs.Northwest said to Pacifica.
"Is this true!" Mrs. Northwest said louder but she also worried.

"Mother I don't know what you're talking abou-" Pacifica did know what she was talking about..

"Don't play dum with me! Is he the reason why you had a bruise mark on your cheek!" Mrs. Northwest pointed at Joe who was giving the expression 'don't say anything' to Pacifica.

"I-I-" Pacifica stuttered but Dipper said her sentence for her.

"Yes. Mrs. Northwest. He did, and I'm not telling you this because of my hatred for Joe, but I'm telling you this because Pacifica is afraid, afraid of what he is going to do next.." Dipper was the one to admit, and it was true.

Mrs. Northwest looked back at Pacifica and All that Pacifica did was nod in agreement.

"Mrs. Northwest, haha come on you can't take any words from a commoner right? I mean just look at him and look at us-" Before Joe could finish his sentence he was slapped by Mrs. Northwest.

"How dare you. How dare you do this to my daughter! And he is not just a commoner, he's a better person than you'll ever be." Mrs. Northwest was shocked herself after she said that, but she did mean it.

"Where's your father" Mrs. Northwest turned around to face Pacifica.

"He's having business talk with Mr. Harrison" Pacifica was now afraid. Not from what just happened, but for what is going to happen later.

Mrs. Northwest stormed into the Mansion leaving the teens alone again.

"You're making a big mistake Northwest"
Joe looked up smiling like a psycho.
"A big mistake mistake"
He said once more before leaving his hand in his right cheek.

Pacifica sat down on a step putting her hands on her face. Dipper then sat down with her putting his arms across her shoulder.

"It's okay now, he's gone, your mum will sort this out, you don't have to worry about anything" Dipper hugged Pacifica closer to him and Pacifica leaned on him.

"Hopefully..." Pacifica said holding her tears, making her eyes sparkle as she looked at Dipper, and He looked back.


There it is! The new chapter! Hope you guys liked it and promise you guy the next will be out soon :) and as always pleas vote, comment, add and follow to keep updated and to show your support, your guys are awesome!!!!!!!

<Dipcifica one shots> & <Dipper is not what he seems>


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