We're here, for you..

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*knock knock*

Pacifica stood outside the shack waiting for someone to answer. Since no was answering yet, she thought of her parents, about are they going to be alright and she also thought of the consequences of not telling her parents where she is. She snook out of her house, or mansion, to get to the shack at 6.

"Hey Pacifica..." Dipper was the one to answer the door.
"How are you, like I mean you didn't really look like yourself today, not like in a bad way." Although Dipper was comfortable around her, he couldn't help himself from being awkward. Well he was worried.

"Well, after last night.. Things got a bit. Well, out of hand..." Pacifica looked down as she tried not to say too much.

"Hey, hey, it's alright." Dipper placed his hand on her shoulder, comforting her.
"We're here to help you out, okay?"
Dipper smiled at Pacifica making her look up and smile as well.

Pacifica hugged Dipper as she dug her face into his shoulder.
"No matter what.." Dipper whispered as they hugged.

"Hey hey, that's enough love birds!" Mabel appeared from no where catching them in their moment.

Dipper and Pacifica pulled away from each other smiling into each others eyes before catching up into the real world.

"Mabel..." Pacifica gave Mabel the look, because she was supposed to not know about the relationship that happened with her and Dipper.

"Pacifica it's okay, Mabel has already told me" Dipper joked a smile.

"It just all came out Cifica" Mabel act her cutest so she could get an apology.

"It's okay, I wasn't expecting you to keep a secret from your brother anyways." Pacifica looked at Dipper and back to Mabel again.

"Anyways! Cmon lets go to my room and let's see what's up!" Mabel said in a cheerful tone because things needed to be more cheerful.

"Oh right, yeah.." Pacifica tried to hide her sadness by smiling.
"I'll see you later I guess" Pacifica held Dippers hand before leaving and following Mabel.

"I'm just here anyways" Dipper joked.
"You know where I'll be when you need more support" Dipper smiled.

An hour has passed and Dipper was sat down on the sofa reading and writing in his own journal, everything seemed to be quiet until he heard Mabel shout
"Small bedroom party!!"
This was probably a way to make Pacifica feel better since that's the reason why she was here. Then a couple of minutes later he heard music go off and another couple minutes later he heard the two girls laughing.
He focused on Pacifica's laughter the most, remembering her real laughter brought back memories when they were still together. Dipper looked to the direction in where the girls where and he smiled, it sounds like they're having a blast.

After 3 hours has passed, Mabel was more or less asleep, she was tired from the fun she had with Pacifica, and it was safe to say that Pacifica had a great time as well. Pacifica looked at Mabel and smiled.
"You're never going to change aren't you may-may" Pacifica stood up and brushed the glitter away from her lap.
"Thanks for making me have a good time while in my darkness"
Although Mabel was half as sleep, she still heard Pacifica.
"No problemo sister, the mystery twins will always be here for you" Mabel sat up from her bed to give Pacifica a hug before collapsing on her bed again and this time she was out completely.

Pacifica smiled once more before walking downstairs. She was about to head home before she saw Dipper sitting down on a sofa, eyes deep in a book. Pacifica didn't think twice as she went over to Dipper surprising him.

"Woah, hey! How've you been" Dipper was startled as he had all of his focus in reading the book he didn't have any intention of what was around him.

"I'm feeling better, you're sister really knows how to cheer people up." Pacifica sat next to Dipper.

"That's great to hear, I was getting a bit worried, but I guess Mabel helped a lot" Dipper took his focus fully away from the book, to focus on Pacifica.

"I just want to thank you guys for everything, you guys are probably the best people I know" Pacifica was really glad that they became friends.

"Thanks, and you're probably the most beautiful person I know" Dipper placed his arm around her shoulder as Pacifica laid her head in his chest.

"What do you mean probably?" Pacifica wondered.
"Is there anyone else prettier than me that you know off?" Pacifica teased.

"Well there is Wendy" Dipper teased.

"What?! Sure she's pretty but not compared to me!" Pacifica crossed her arms. And dipper just laughed at her jealousy.

"I'm just kidding, you're a lot more cuter when your jealous" Dipper teased again.

"I'm not- well I guess I am" Pacifica blushed but she just took in the fact.

Pacifica felt so comfy laying on Dippers chest that she fell asleep herself. Dipper looked at the sleeping Pacifica as he kissed her on her head and continued reading the book.

Pacifica had forgotten everything about what was happening with her parents because of the fun she had with Mabel and the banter she had with Dipper, not to mention their cuddling as well. But as she slept, she remembered everything.

"Huh!" Pacifica sat up quickly from her sleep. This made Dipper react. Pacifica was looking around and she had sweat coming down her face.

"Hey, hey. Pacifica, it's alright, it's okay, no need to panic" Dipper wrapped his arms around the terrified Pacifica.

"Dipper I've got to go, I'm sorry but it's really late." Pacifica was really worried and Dipper could tell that it was desperate.

"I'll take you home then" Dipper got up with Pacifica.

"No, no it, it's okay" Pacifica stuttered

" it's 12 in the morning and I'm not letting you walk out there alone" Dipper said
"Plus I'll take you home in my car so you won't have to walk and you'll get home faster."

Pacifica couldn't stop Dipper from making him go with her, because she knew that her parents will go mad at her and Dipper will be there to witness it. But she had no choice, Dipper cared too much about her.

2 in 2 days!! Yeah!!! Thanks for reading guys and tbh I'm running out if things to say, but things will get more tense so please stay in touch and as always please fave, comment, add, and follow to keep updated and to show your support, also thanks you guys for being awesome!!!!

<Dipper is not what he seems> <Dipcifica short stories>


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