'...Unless you make amends'

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Dipper was getting frustrated as he didn't want to admit that Bill was right, that you can't fix what's already broken, or was he?...

Dipper turned around towards Bill, shouting and pointing.
"You said you could do anything right?!"
Dipper walked up to Bill slowly, all battered up mentally and tears were falling from his cheeks.

"That's right kid, but I can't resurrect the dead if that's what your asking" Bill flew backwards slowly, he was enjoying every part of this.

"No. I want you to do something else!"
Dipper started to get furious.

"Are you alright kid? You seem... Off the rails."
Bill asked, thinking that he may have broken Dipper too much.

"No. I'm perfectly f-fine if I say so myself, why Bill? Do you not think I'm broken enough!" Dipper blew out.

"Jeez kid, calmed down, unless you want me to break you more"
Bill backed away a few more.

"All I want is to make
" 'small' "
He took his hand out intimidating Bill to shake it.

"What's the deal?" Bill question, ready to negotiate his terms.

"Oh! It's going to change our world."
Dipper smirked...


Dipper opened his eyes and he looked around. The place looked really familiar, and when he looked around even more he saw a Widow tree.

That's when he remembered where he was. He was at the place at the back of the school where his and Pacifica's Widow was at. He starts to remember what happened here before and so he waited for her under the tree.

Dipper looked at the carving on the tree which read a arrowed heart with Dipper's and Pacifica's initials. He started to touch the carvings.

"Dipper?" A beautiful voice was heard.

Dipper turned around and began to tear up. He had finally seen his girlfriend, breathing, talking and alive.
He ran up to her and hugged her really tight but not too tight.

"I miss you so much!" Dipper cried on her shoulder as he wouldn't let go of her.
"I would never let go of you! ever!"

"Dipper what are you talking about?"
Pacifica was indeed confused.

This is when Dipper realized he was the only one who remembers what happened in the future, that he was the only one to go back in time using Bill's powers.

"Oh nothing, I just had a bad dream, that's all" Dipper faced her smiling.

"Well it sounds like one heck of a dream..." Pacifica smiled awkwardly. "Which could be told another day, but for now I have something to tell you..." Pacifica dropped her head down.
"Our relationship can no longer go on-" Pacifica was cut off by Dipper as he kissed her.

"Pacifica, stop talking nonsense, I know it's your father that is wanting us to break up, not you." Dipper said as he broke up the kiss but Pacifica wanted more.

"But we can't, he'll find out and both of us will be good as dead!"
Pacifica worried.

"Don't say that!" Dipper felt a cold feeling inside. "Nothing is good as dead, and trust me" he added as a tear dropped.

Pacifica tried to answer back but she simply couldn't, she did want to stay with Dipper but doesn't know how to, with her father not accepting it.
"But how.. How can we do this!"
She begged as she also teared up.

"We will try to keep everything away from anyone, and I mean anything, we will just be friends to the public and your father." He explained.

"But you know he will find a way!"
She insisted.

"I'd rather risk it than lose you again!"
Dipper went out of control in what he was saying and forgot again.

"Again?" Pacifica asked frustrated.

"It was the dream again... anyways I meant to say is that I just don't want to lose you, ever." Dipper held both of her hands putting her closer to him.

Pacifica lent her head on his chest knowing that she didn't want to lose him too, that the risk is worth to take.
"We do it then.." She looked up to him.
"We will take the risk."

You could unfollow, un-fave, or even throw tomatoes at me, I don't deserve fans like you guys... 😓😓😓 For not updating for two months it is disgraceful.. I am very sorry... You guys deserve better. So I could understand if your not interested anymore...

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