Behind the image....(part 3)

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Joe woke up the next day in his room by his alarm, his face was sore and swollen from yesterday and his knuckles ached. He got up and went to the bathroom, he looked at the mirror to see a couple of bruises and scars but it didn't ruin how he looked.

In school Pacifica was getting strange looks from the pupils in school but she didn't care, instead she worried about Dipper as she couldn't find him. They weren't in the same class in Fridays so at break and lunch Pacifica would check everywhere, form the Library to the computer room, she still couldn't find him.

Last lesson of the day she had history with Joe. Before, Pacifica would always sit next to him but today she sat as far away as she could from him. Joe kept on looking at her hoping for her to turn around, but Pacifica didn't budge.

After the end of school bell rang Pacifica packed away and left as fast as she could so Joe wouldn't catch up. She was out of the building but someone grabbed her shoulder, the hand gripped on her shoulder hard and rough hurting Pacifica just a bit. She shuck her shoulder to get rid of the hand as she turned around.

"What do you want!" Pacifica said cold and harsh to a shocked Joe.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Joe hissed back clutching his hand tight.
"I just wanted to talk about what happened yester..." Before he could finish a figure stood in front of him, the figure was wearing a hoody and it was hooded up covering his face.

"Leave her alone" the figure said

"Who are you to talk to me like tha-"
Once again he was interpreted.

"Now..." The figure said cold, harsh and fierce. Joe looked around the figure to see Pacifica crossing her arms and smirking then he looked back at the figure before walking backwards then walking away.

They both waited until Joe disappeared into the distance.

"Thanks, you're always there when I need you aren't you?" Pacifica said to the figure.
The figure turned around and he put down his hoody, revealing no one else but Dipper.
"I knew he was going to approach you after school so I made the right choice to be here." Dipper replied.

"Are you feeling better now?" Pacifica asked, they were now walking to Pacifica's limo.

"Well if you don't include my face and stomach then I'm fine." Dipper joked back.

Pacifica knew Dipper was feeling better because he was back to joking around.

"What about you, your bruise" Dipper worried.

"It's fine, it hurts there and then but I'm okay." Pacifica walked closer next to Dipper smiling.

"You don't seem to be hiding your bruise anymore." Dipper asked as he opened the door of the limo for Pacifica.

Pacifica was in shock just realising that she wasn't covering up, that's probably why the pupils were looking at her strangely.

Dipper laughed only a bit until Pacifica punched him slightly on the arm
"It doesn't look that bad, you'll always be beautiful" Dipper said smiling before kissing Pacifica on the forehead. Pacifica smiled at him before leaving and Dipper headed back to the shack.

As Joe walked away from Dipper and Pacifica someone got in his way.
"Hey! Watch where you're going" Joe said annoyed.

"Why won't you" by the sassiness of the voice tone he knew who she was.

"What do you want Amanda" Joe hissed looking away.

"What was that for" Amanda crossed her arms and she looked annoyed.

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