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"Do it Dipper". The voice in his head said.
"Tell her, go on" it said again.
"It's not like it's going to hurt her"
"Just say it and all the pain will go away" The voice suggested.
"It will just hurt her instead!-"

"Dipper, what is it" Pacifica said, waiting for the answer.

Dipper focused back to the real world and looked at Pacifica.

"Ever since that night under the tree you have been acting really strange." Pacifica held his hand after he placed it on her cheek.

Dipper glanced over the picture behind, of him and Pacifica. But it had no blood on it and it was perfectly fine. 

Pacifica looked at where he glanced, feeling emotional.

"Dipper please answer me." She pleaded, holding her hand on his tighter.
"You think that whatever is happening to you is not affective me, but you're wrong!" 
Pacifica placed her forehead onto his shoulder.

Dipper did not respond. Instead he focused on the visions he had of the future inside his mind, it was about Pacifica. About how she was struggling.

"Dipper?..." Pacifica said quietly, still on his shoulder.

Dipper opened his mouth. But not a single word came out.
He had the vision again, but it was quick and dense.

Pacifica didn't say anything else as she thought it would be pointless.

"I'm sorry..." He said.

Pacifica adjusted her head, which was still on his shoulder, and faced the same direction as Dipper.

"It's okay..." She replied soothingly.
"Whatever it is, I'll try my best to help you-"
She said supportively but was then soon interrupted.

"No. Pacifica." He replied with no emotion.
"Im sorry for what I am going to do-"

"What do you mean?" Pacifica raised her voice worryingly.

"I..." Dipper's emotions started to catch up. He gulped.
"I'm breaking up with you..." He said calmly, clenching his fist, biting his lips and closing his eyes to keep his emotions in.

Pacifica loosened her hand around Dipper's before letting go and stepping away from him.
"What?.." She said in confusion and in hate.

Calmly, he replied. "I'm just doing this to keep you safe, to keep you away from-"

"We're safer together!" She shouted, clueless in what he was talking.

"No! You do not understand!" He shouted at her.
"He wants you to stay with me so he could hurt you too!" He said, letting it all out.

"Who are you talking about Dipper!" She started to cry.

Dipper finally broke. He covered his eyes with his hand, hiding his tears before sliding his back on the wall and siting back down.

Pacifica watched him break and she followed, kneeling down in front of him.
"It's Bill Cipher isn't it..." She said.

Dipper looked up and his eyes met hers, both in tears.
He did not respond but the way he looked back down, covering his face with his forearms, Pacifica knew she was right.

"Look..." She held his hand up before holding it.
"We can do it together. You and me." She looked up to Dipper, trying to smile, but her tears flooded her efforts.

Dipper thought about it. But he knew it was too risky.
"No." Is what all he said.

"What do you mean no? We- we can make it together Dipper. If you suffer I will too and together we can-" Pacifica tried. She tried to pick up the remains of their relationship but Dipper threw them away again.

"I said no!" He shouted. Making sure that was the final answer.

Dipper caught his eyes with Pacifica's again, but this time, his eyes was filled in anger and distress whilst hers was filled with regret and sorriness.

Pacifica let go of his hand and quickly stood up.
"What happened to you..." She cried out.
"What happened to the person I loved." She begged for an answer, but Dipper could not be moved at this point.
"We were there through thick and thin and what about your promise!" Pacifica threw her thin silk scarf in front of her in anger.

She started to cry more as she placed her arms and head alongside the wall before wiping her tears away but it was pointless.

"Dipper, you don't mean it, I know that." She tried wiping her mascara off her cheeks.

It was true. Dipper didn't mean it. But he was afraid. Afraid of what Bill could do with Pacifica. He already saw what happened before and he could not let him do it again.

"I will only go if you say you don't love me anymore..." Pacifica tried to stand stronger, but her legs were too weak.
"Say that you don't love me."

Dipper looked up, but not up to her.
"Pacifica, please go..."

"No!" I want to hear you say it!" She yelled, her heart was beating to the max as she could not handle the tension.

"I..." He did not want to say it, but it had to be done. "I don't love you." He said quietly.

"Say it again.." She pressured him.

"You heard me the first time Pacifica!" He shouted, he just wanted it to be over. He did not want to say it again as it was not true.

Pacifica gave up, she couldn't handle it anymore. She tried, and hell she tried hard but she couldn't do it anymore.

"You promised we would stay together, no matter what"
Pacifica made one last effort, reminding him of that evening. Of how Dipper tried to keep them together. But now, it's just turned right around and it still ended the same way as it did before.

Dipper looked down again closing his eyes as he heard the front door slam shut. 
                            el fin
                     (Of the chapter)
Emotional? - you decide
Since next week is the school holiday (yay!) i will update my short stories novel and this one, and if I'm feeling extra generous I will be continuing the reverse falls novel, how does that sound??
Thanks for your support and kindness in the comments (and on my wall) and please continue to stay awesome and don't go changing!

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