4 (Colby's POV)

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"They took Scar again."


Sam and I are currently in Washington for an investigation at Oxford Saloon, Snohomish. Today is our last day and we got an offer to come here and investigate so we decided to hop on the opportunity and check it out.

One of the first things we did when the tour guides left, was checking to make sure things weren't placed to make it seem haunted like hidden motion censored lights, for an example. Scarlet taught us that trick.

Actually, recently at an investigation, we found stuff that was set up so we got our money back and left. And ever since, we now check the places we go to.

We were in one of the rooms, looking around when Sam called me over. "Bro look!" Sam shouted. I went over to where he was and saw him opening a cabinet.

"This is the cabinet with the papers from years ago!" He said and handed me the camera so he could grab some of them.

Apparently there's a cabinet from back when the Saloon was running and had receipts and stuff like that. Before it was closed down, they locked all of the papers inside.

Long story short, the new owner busted it open and now it's all on display for everyone. This is definitely one of my favorite haunted places we've gone to by far because there's so much stuff left over.

"Whoa." I whispered as we looked through some of the papers. Most of them were receipts but some were letters complimenting the Saloon, some were drawings, and some were even love notes.

"Look at this one. This person was whipped." Sam chuckled as I read it.

"My darling Josephine,
I know you've seen me around quite often, and it's because I have grown a liking to you and your beautiful smile. I've grown a liking to watching you run around so important-like. You're one for the fairy tales, darling. I was supposed to leave long ago, but you're so fascinating. I had to return to see you. I must go now, my love. Maybe we shall meet in a new life time. A better one. A happier one. Stay safe, darling.

~your secret admirer

"I can't tell if that's straight up creepy or adorable." I said, causing Sam and I to laugh. "Yeah, but hey, maybe it wasn't so weird to get things like that back then." He commented and I nodded in agreement with a shrug. "Maybe."

"I kinda hope they end up together in another life, if that's even a thing. And if she actually liked him back." He added and I nodded. "Yeah." I agreed.

"Let's look through a few more and then we can go get something to eat, it's getting dark. That way we can start the investigation." I said and Sam nodded in agreement.

Me and Sam looked through a few more papers, some of the notes were a little disturbing, and some were really sweet while others were just peoples orders.

After a little bit, we got bored and hungry so we decided to leave and find somewhere to eat. "Where should we go?" I asked. "Since we don't really know any good and close places around here to eat, let's just find the closest McDonald's and call it a day. Does that sound good?" He asked.

"This weekend has totally gone against my diet but sure." I said, causing Sam and I to both chuckle. He looked up on Google the closest McDonald's and I drove us there.

We walked inside and then ordered our food and drinks and then once they were ready, we found a table in the far left corner away from everyone, and sat down to eat.

I had finished before Sam, so I just sat with him and talked with him while he ate.

"-and then we were thinking about going on a little family date and go hiking with the kids and dogs somewhere. Maybe stop at a park and have a picnic or something." I explained Scarlet and I's possible future plans to Sam as he nodded along.

Just as I finished speaking, I heard my phone ringing. I excused myself from our conversation and grabbed my phone, my eyebrows scrunching when seeing the name that popped up.

"That's weird, it's Caleb." I said and he chuckled. "Yeah, something has to be wrong." He joked and I shot him a grin before answering the call and putting it up to my ear.


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