11 (Colby's POV)

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I walked into the room causing Aurora to look up at me. "Daddy." She cried harder as she reached her arms out to me. Grey looked up to me as soon as he heard Aurora and then started crying more as well.

"Hi sweethearts. I'm here. I've got you." I said as I sat on the bed and held them tightly. I closed my eyes as I held them while they cried, trying to not cry as well.

"We want mommy." They cried and hugged me tighter. I closed my eyes tighter and took a deep breath. "I know my loves. She'll come back. I promise." I said and then kissed their heads.

This was gonna be a lot harder than I thought it would.


"Where's mommy?" Aurora asked as she cried. "Remember how she left to go check on that house for those people?" I asked and they nodded. "Well, it turns out that it was mommy's friends house and she needs extra help from mommy." I lied. "Like when she had to help auntie Kat with Raelynn?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah" I answered.

"Why did uncle Tommy say that she was taken by bad guys then?" She asked as her eyes got watery again. "They weren't bad guys, sweetheart. It was mommy's friend's boyfriend. They asked her to stay to help them out so they were joking that they took her." I lied again.

"Why was the cop here then?" She asked. "You ask a lot of questions." I laughed. "Sorry." She mumbled. "It's okay sweetheart. The cop was here because that's our friend and he came to visit for a few." I answered. "Oh... well can we go visit mommy while she helps her friends? And maybe help her help?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Our little helper. But no sweetheart, we can't visit because mommy's gonna be very busy." I explained and she looked at me weirdly. "That's why I said we would help her, silly daddy." She said and I laughed. "You're very kind but her cop friend is going to try to help her, so she can get back to us. But hey, your brother is asleep and you should try to sleep too." I said and she pouted.

"Can we sleep in your room please?" She asked and gave me puppy eyes. "Sure." I said and then stood up with them in my arms. I carefully laid them down in the bed and went to pull the covers up to tuck them in when Aurora stopped me.

"Can you lay with us? Please?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I sighed and nodded. I was exhausted anyways but I really needed to talk to the others. "Just let me get dressed and then talk to your aunt and uncles real quick, okay?" I asked and she nodded.

I jogged into my closet and grabbed some sweatpants and then quickly changed and jogged down stairs and into the living room where I heard everyone. "hey, how're the kids doing?" Kat asked and I sighed. "Grey is asleep and Aurora is waiting for me so we gotta hurry this up. I just told them that Scarlet is helping one of her friends and Mike was our friend coming to hang out for a little. I also said that you and Mike were joking that she got taken because she's gonna be with her friend for awhile." I said and pointed to Tom, making them all nod.

"So what exactly happened? Tell me everything you know please. But hurry it up because Aurora is impainent." I said and we all laughed. "Just like her mother." Gus said and we all nodded. I couldn't believe she was taken again.

They spent the next couple of minutes telling me the story and then what Mike said was gonna happened.

"Alright, thank you. It's way too late for you guys to go home so you can just stay here. Make yourselves at home and the kids are gonna stay with me so two of you can take their beds while the other goes to the other guest room Sam and kat aren't using." I said and they nodded. We all said goodnight and went our separate ways.

I jogged back up to Scar and I's room and found Arora crying into her hands. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I asked as I rushed to her. "Daddy!" She cried and latched onto me when I got close enough to the bed. "What's wrong sweetheart? I'm right here." I said and rubbed her back.

"I thought you left me." She cried harder and squeezed her arms around me tighter. "No sweetheart, daddy would never leave you honey. I'm right here. I just had to talk to your aunt and uncles." I said softly and sat on the edge of the bed. "Promise?" She sniffled as she pulled away.

"I promise. Let's go to bed now, okay? It's way past your bedtime." I said and she rubbed her eyes. "You're gonna lay with us, right?" She asked and I nodded. She nodded back and laid down as I turned the light off. She cuddled up to me as I pulled Grey closer and put a pillow on the other side of him so he didn't fall off in the middle of the night.

"Goodnight daddy, I love you." Rora said and got comfy. "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you too." I said and then kissed her heard and started rubbing her back to help her fall asleep. It didn't take her long before she was completely out which isn't surprising seeing as though it was nearing 4 in the morning.

Me, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Scarlet and how scared she must be, and what they could possibly be doing to her.

All I knew was that we needed to get her back.

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