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Maybe I really am Insane.


It's been a few days and nothing has changed besides the fact that they all blurred together. Every day was the same. And every day I would try to look for any signs that my dream was a reality, but no signs came. I still looked and sounded young.

Even the calendars and white boards around me said it was 2009.

I pray and hoped everyday that Mike, the cop, would break in and saved me like he did in my dream, but he hasn't. No one came and slowly, my hope lessened with each day.

Each day was torture.

And not just because I was waiting for a miracle each and everyday, but it was also physically torture. It was also exhausting. Mentally and physically.

The daily routine they put me through consisted of exactly this everyday. They wake me up at 5:30-6, I shower (which is slightly new, their excuse being that I smell more and they don't want to deal with that everyday) brush my teeth (for the same reason) get changed and things like that. They only let me do all of that so I look good for them, and any other people I'm forced to be around.

Once I'm done with that, they give me a little bit of disgusting food that has all either gone bad or is their left overs. After I eat, it's work period where they make me do some things which some consist of cleaning things like my room, their clothes, dishes, etc, and other things that I'm not gonna get into.

After all of that which usually takes a few hours, it's free time which isn't so free. I get sent back into my room where they lock my door and if I've been "bad" (which really means one of them is in a bad mood or they just feel like taunting me) they'll tie me back up to the bed as well and leave me there. What I do with free time is either watch some tv, color, read, or write. I only get about 30 minutes to an hour of that but then they bring my food in which again, isn't proper food.

After I eat, they take away my stuff completely and that's when I'm supposed to sleep. I usually don't sleep well because of how uncomfortable and scared I am. I usually just stay up and get lost in my thoughts. Sometimes, the tiredness, sadness, and because I'm scared, gets the best of me and I can't stop the invading negative and terrifying thoughts that enter my brain.

Other times, my mind is nice to me, and I think of peaceful and positive thoughts that help me mentally escape for a little while. Then the next morning, I wake up and do it all over again.

When I get over tired though, I pass out. Sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes it isn't. It's good when it's at night during bed time, but it's bad when I'm in the shower or supposed to be doing chores. Basically just anytime that isn't bedtime, is a bad time for me to pass out.

Especially because I don't know what happens when I pass out during the day. All I know is I wake up in my bed, feeling sore all over. I don't know if it's from me falling, them causing it, or both.

The time right now is 5:48 and they've just woken me up roughly 20 minutes ago to start getting ready. They give me roughly an hour to get ready, so like normal, I took my time in the shower this morning. I let myself slightly relax at the feeling of the warm shower water as I stand under it.

Once I realized my fingers were turning wrinkly and it started to get a little too hot, I decided it was time to get out.

I quickly dressed myself and then speed walked to my bed once I started to feel off, dizzy, and like I was gonna pass out.

I laid back in the bed and closed my eyes, breathing in and out, trying to not pass out.

Just then, the door came bursting open and my eyes jolted open.

Insane 4 - The End // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now