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"Are you okay?" He asked and I shrugged. "Not really but-" just as I was about to tell him, the door burst open, and Sam and Kat stood there.


"Is that- SCARLET!" Kat exclaimed and ran to me. I laughed as she hugged me tightly, not wanting to let go.

"You're here?! Like this isn't a dream?" She asked and I nodded, tears still in my eyes. "I'm here." I whispered.

"Thank god." She whispered back, tightening her grip and holding me for just a moment more before she let go, stepping away so I could hug Sam who had tears in his eyes as well. We all did.

"I'm glad you're back, Scar. We all are." He said as he pulled me in for a hug. I didn't say anything, I couldn't, so I just nodded and hugged him a little tighter. After another minute, he pulled away and we both laughed as we wiped our tears away.

"Well, I guess it's time to surprise the other two." I said and then made my way towards the door to go to Aurora and Grey's room. As I opened the door, Cay stood there, tears in his eyes, his hand near the door knob. It instantly bright tears right back to my eyes.

"You're here." He whispered and I nodded in response before he quickly pulled me in for a tight hug as we both cried.

Once the both of us calmed down a little, I pulled away and smiled. "I'm here and hopefully not going anywhere ever again." I said. "You better not." They all said, making me laugh.

"Gotta go see Tom now." I said and sniffed, wiping my eyes. Caleb nodded and stepped out of the way, letting me get by. I walked to Aurora and Grey's room and quietly made my way over to where Tom was.

I shook him, making him groan and turn over towards where I was standing. He froze as soon as his eyes landed on me. He stood quickly and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up with him.

"Scarlet." He whispered and I nodded. "I'm here." I said quietly as I hugged him, rubbing his back gently. I knew he was taking me being kidnapped again really hard because every time it had happened, he always blamed himself, even though it was never his fault and there was nothing that he could've really done.

He pulled away and placed me gently onto the floor. "I'm so glad you're back and safe." He said. "So am I." I whispered before hugging him again.

When we pulled away, I ended up re-hugging everyone and then talking for a few minutes before deciding to go downstairs to see the dogs.

I went down stairs and saw the dogs and as expected, started crying as they barked happily and ran up to me, attacking me with kisses and love.

Once the dogs calmed down a little bit, we all went into the kitchen so I could make us all breakfast. They protested at first because they wanted me to rest and do it for me seeing as though I had been through a lot, but I reassured them that I really wanted to make it, and they ended up letting me, with the exception of them cleaning up.

We talked as I cooked and then as we ate. It felt beyond amazing to be here and away from... well you know.

And the best part is, I feel really good this time. I felt like this time was actually the last time. They were gonna be put away for life and I'll never have to see or deal with them again.

It's gonna take a while to heal, especially because of Mike's death, but I've done it before, but with the help of all of the amazing people I get to call family, I know I can do it.

And I did. I lived my life and got the happily ever after I had been craving. I had my dream family, dream home, dream everything.

I'm so thankful for everyone who has helped and who have been there for me through everything.

And just remember, everything happens for a reason. Even if it's insane.

The end.

(Hi loves. Sorry this took so long to post. I've had this written for a while but wanted to do an epilogue but idk if I'm gonna or not anymore so I'm gonna post this and we'll see where it takes us. Thank you for all of the love and support. You all mean the world to me. I have a really good book idea coming up but I think I'm going to be making a separate account for it seeing as tho it's not going to do with Sam and Colby. Not that I'm leaving the fandom or anything like that, I just want to experiment and stuff :) I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this journey as I have. I'll keep you all updated on that second account. Thank you for also always being patient with me. Your support means the world. Have a great day you guys, love ya!🤍)

Insane 4 - The End // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now