8 (Tom's POV)

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"Tom, don't tell me she got kidnapped again. She didn't, did she? This better just be a damn butt dial." He said nervously. It took me a minute but I finally said something.

"Yeah about that..."

Still on the phone with Mike

"You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding right now Tom. Is this one of your stupid YouTube pranks? If so, it's not funny." He said in a stern voice.

I stayed silent again, still not being able to find the right words for a situation like this.

"Oh my god, you're not kidding. You're completely serious. I'll be there soon." He said and then hung up. I sighed and put the phone down and then got up to grab a White Claw from the fridge.

I was gonna need it.

"Uncle Tom?" I heard Grey say quietly. I set my drink down and bent down to be his height. "What's up kiddo?" I asked.

"Um, sissy want you." He said and I nodded, stood up, and held my hand out to him. "Ok, bring me to her." I said and he nodded and started running to where his big sister was.

When we got there, Aurora was plugging her nose with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Uncle Tom, Raelynn smells and Uncle Gus said he would have Auntie Kat change her after their talk, but they've been talking for forever! She's stinky! And we're sleepy." She pouted at me.

"Okay, I'll put a show on for you guys while I change her, and then I'll take you to bed, okay?" I asked and they nodded and got comfy on the couch.

I put on Paw Patrol and then grabbed a diaper and the wipes. I know how to change a diaper from being a big brother, and an uncle for almost 7 years, but that doesn't mean I like doing it.

Everyone knows a pee diaper isn't really anything, it's the shit diapers, and this is 100% one of them.

During the whole process, I tried with everything in me to not throw up. Thankfully, I kept my composure and was successful in both the diaper changing and the not throwing up all over the place part.

Once I was done, I quickly threw the diaper away, took a long sip of my drink, and then went back into the living room and picked up Raelynn. "Alright kids, let's get you to bed." I said and sighed.

"Can we sleep in mommy and daddies room?" Aurora practically begged with those puppy eyes of hers and her pout. I sighed again and nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." I said and then lead them upstairs and into Scar and Colby's room.

"Wait here, I'm gonna put the baby to bed. Watch more tv." I said and put the tv on and put Paw Patrol on again.

I quickly brought Raelynn into the guest room that Kat was staying in, and placed her in the pack n' play. I kissed her head and then grabbed the baby monitor and turned them on and then quietly left the room. I jogged back into the room the kids were in and saw them watching the tv tiredly.

"Can you read us a bedtime story?" Aurora asked quietly and Grey nodded while putting his head on her shoulder. Aurora yawned and placed her head on top of Grey's. I nodded and left to get their favorite bedtime story.

I came back and read it to them quietly until they fell asleep. Once they were out, I kissed their heads as well and then headed out to put the book back.

I then headed back into the guest room to check on Raelynn. Once I verified she was doing okay and still sleeping, I went downstairs and headed straight for my white claw.

I chugged it and then crushed it up and threw it in the recycling. I really felt like a single mom. Tired, worn out, and ready to relax. Maybe drink a glass of wine.

I did exactly as I said I would. I turned on the tv to Jersey Shore and grabbed a glass of wine then went to sit down and relax.

And I know you're thinking I'm terrible for just sitting around and relaxing while my sister is going through whatever she's going through, but there's really nothing to do. We just have to let the police do their job. And while they do that, we take care of and distract the kids.

Just as I sat down to relax, there was a knock at the door.

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