The Incredibles

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         Robert sat behind his desk, in his tiny cubicle, hating his life. He hated the mediocrity of it all. He was Mr. Incredible! Not this man. Not Robert Parr. He longed for the glory days when heroes could be heroes without any worry. Those were the days! Closing his eyes, Robert sighed and snapped the pencil he was holding, in half with a loud snap. "Robert! I want you in my office now," his boss yelled through the intercom, snapping Bob from his thoughts.

       He wrinkled his nose as he pushed the reply button. "Coming," he replied flatly before standing up and squeezing himself out of his office. He slumped his large shoulders as he walked towards his boss' office, all the time wondering; What had he done wrong now? "You wanted to see me," he asked dryly as he stepped into his boss' office.

       "Yes Bob I did. I'm not happy Bob. And do you know why I'm not happy Bob," his boss asked as the vein in his giant forehead pulsed. "Ask me why I'm unhappy Bob. Go ahead, ask me," his boss said smugly.

        Robert kept his face placid and his tone flat as he asked, "Why are you unhappy?" His boss began lecturing him about his customers and their claims, making Robert grow angry. "Have they done anything illegal? Have I done anything illegal," he snapped, now really irked at his tiny boss.

          "Well no," his boss retorted, but then began lecturing again. Robert had now lost interest and was looking out the window. That's when he spotted a man getting mugged. The hero in him began to glow and he jumped up. "And just where do you think you are going? We are not done here," his boss stated smugly.

        Robert glared and pointed out the window. "There's a man down there getting mugged," he yelled as he hurried towards the door.

        "Well let's hope we don't cover him," his boss replied. "If you leave this office Bob you can kiss your job goodbye," he added as Robert grabbed the doorknob.

        Robert crushed the handle with his hand and turned to face his boss, as he did this, the mugger got away. "He got away," Robert roared as he threw the tiny man through the wall and several adjoining walls. He looked down at his shaking hands and frowned. This was bad. He would have to uproot his family again. "Oh no," he muttered as he shook his head sadly.

          Days passed and Robert was assured that the situation was taken care of, to which he was glad. The only problem now was, he was jobless. He knew he couldn't keep this from Helen for long. "Mr. Incredible, I have been looking for you," a tall slender woman announced as she walked over to him, her platinum hair swaying behind her.

        Robert found himself instantly attracted to her, but he loved his wife and wasn't willing to jeopardize his marriage. "What for may I ask? And how do you know my identity," he asked cautiously.

        "I know more thank you think. I have a job for you. It will be triple your salary and requires your special talents," she said as she handed him an envelope and a card. "Call me if you're interested," she said with a coy smile before disappearing into the shadows.

        Robert jumped into his car and hurried home to look over the information that the mysterious woman had given him. This could be his chance to get back on top of his game. After looking over the documents, he grinned and picked up the card and phone. "I'm in," he said into the receiver before quickly hanging up.

       He sighed as he walked from the room, what would he tell Helen? She was very much against them using their super powers. "You are one distracted man," Helen said as she looked over at her husband.

       "Hm? Oh yeah. Well," he said as he stalled to think of a lie. "I need to tell you something," he said with a sigh.

       Helen touched his arm gently. "What is it Bob," she asked softly.

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