Rise of the Guardians

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         I knooooooow it's not Disney buuuuut I want to do this. xD Most of you think JF is Disney anyway so just pretend it's Disney. xD

            Pitch Black stared at the well lit globe before him with pure malice. His jovial reentry into the world was now a mere ticker tape parade thanks to those lights: The ever shining reminder of his worst enemies and their work, the guardians and their joy. He sneered at the globe then summoned Onyx, his prized nightmare horse. "Soon we will rise again," he purred to it before stroking its mane and sending it off. He already had a plan and he grinned as he sifted his nightmare sand through his fingers. It would be beautiful.

        North worked diligently, chiselling the ice in his hands into a perfect train. He laughed triumphantly and set it onto the ice track then watched as it zoomed down the slope and sped around the track. His happiness faltered though when one of his Yetis opened the door and smashed the delicate sculpture into tiny pieces. "Phil," he yelled, but was interrupted by the yeti's quick babbling. "The globe," North asked before jumping up and running towards the room where his giant globe sat. He stared in shock as the lights began to flicker and some even began to go out. "What is this," he asked rhetorically. Suddenly a chilling laugh echoed around the room and a black shadow covered the globe. North couldn't figure it out until the black shadow formed the silhouette of Pitch Black. "Pitch! Here," North asked aloud in confusion. He quickly told his yetis to prepare for company and hurried to send out the signal for the guardians to assemble.

          "You call me here, to the bloody cold pole, two days before Easter because of stomach issues," Bunnymund yelled after North explained the situation to the guardians.

        "Don't doubt the tummy," North replied as he patted his tummy. However that wasn't cutting it for the guardians and they began to bicker as the moon began to rise.

         Sandy was the only one to see the moon and quickly devised a way to get everyone's attention. North looked up and spoke to the moon as an old friend and soon a new guardian was appointed. "Jack Frost," Bunny yelled in disbelief. He couldn't believe that out of all the people who could have been picked, it was him.

         "Get him," North said to Bunnymund and his yetis, making Bunny even more angry. He disliked Jack Frost and now he had to be an escort for him? No he didn't like that one bit. However, the deal was sweetened a bit when North suggested that the yetis throw Jack into a sack and throw him through the portal. How he would love to see that. He led the yetis to Jack and grinned as they shoved him into the sack and tossed him through the portal. "Poetic justice," he chirped before tapping the ground to make a hole appear.

       When they were all assembled at North's workshop, North explained things to Jack, who didn't take the news well. He didn't want to be a guardian, that was too much responsibility. However, soon his choice was taken from him. "Trouble at The Tooth Palace," Bunny said before they all ran for North's sleigh. They hurried towards The Tooth Palace and saw a terrifying sight: Pitch's nightmares had all of Tooth's baby fairies and were getting away with them.

        When they found Tooth, she explained everything to them, including why the teeth were so important, because Jack had asked. "Look at this, the big four altogether. I'm a bit star struck," Pitch's voice said from the shadows before he stepped into the light. "And Jack Frost? Funny I didn't peg you for following this crowd," he added as he spotted Jack off to the side.

       "I don't," Jack replied hastily.

      Pitch smirked. "Good, I'll just ignore you then, but I'm sure you're used to that," he said with a wide grin before taunting the guardians some more, relishing in the fact that their powers were already diminishing. Once he was satisfied with his humiliation of the guardians, for the time being, Pitch flew off satisfied.

        After he locked up all of the baby fairies, he quickly went to work to find the memories of Jack. He knew that eventually Jack would get curious about his past and he would be ready. It would be all too easy. Now all's he had to do was wait for the fool to walk right into his trap. Not only would Easter be ruined, but he would hopefully convince Jack Frost to be on his team. It was a win win situation. Clearly Jack was only working with the guardians to get his memories, so Pitch would do it for him. A perfect alliance.

         Once he had Jack's memories, Pitch walked to his globe. He watched in hopeful anticipation, waiting for the lights to start to flicker and go out, but nothing was happening. "Why aren't they going out," he growled in frustration. Just then Onyx flew in and told him that the guardians were collecting the teeth themselves. "Dutiful aren't they," he sneered. "No matter, that all changes tomorrow," he added with a wicked grin.

        "I'll take Sophie home," Jack said as the guardians deliberated who would take the sleeping child home.

      "But Pitch," Tooth began.

      "Is no match for this," Jack said as he grinned and held up his staff. His earlier run in with Pitch had proved that. "It'll be fine," he said as he took Sophie in his arms and flew off with her with baby tooth following close beside him.

        "Jack! Jack!"

        Jack froze in tracks and looked around. "Do you hear that? That voice.... I know that voice," he muttered before flying towards the voice calling to him. Baby tooth squeaked and tried to stop him from flying into the cave, but Jack didn't listen, he knew that voice was important to him and he was determined to find out why and who that person was.

        Inside of the cave the voice grew louder and Jack found the memories piled on the floor. Quickly he began to sort through them as the voice relentlessly called out his name. "Looking for something? This perhaps," Pitch asked as he came out of the shadows holding Jack's memories in his clutched fist. 

       Jack glared and shot ice at Pitch, who flew off quickly and shook his head. "I have what you want Frost. Join me and I'll let you have them. You don't really want to be with the guardians. That's not you. Together we could be a team. We could rule them all. Never weakening, eternally strong and always believed in," Pitch crooned.

          Jack listened and lowered his staff a little lower with each word Pitch said. "They would believe... In me," he asked slightly in disbelief yet hopefulness.

        "Yes! Pitch Black and Jack Frost. What goes better than darkness and ice," Pitch asked with a grin. 

        Jack gazed at the darkened ice sculpture they had formed in battle and he had to admit that there was a unique beauty to it. He tried to find ways that this was wrong, but he couldn't. He really didn't want to be a guardian, he just wanted his memories. He looked at baby tooth, who was perched on his shoulder shaking her head vigorously. "I'm sorry," he murmured to her before looking at Pitch and nodding. "Deal," he said reaching for his memories.

       Pitch grinned victoriously and handed Jack his memories. With Jack on his side they would win without a doubt.  Jack stuck his memories into his hoodie pocket and looked at Pitch. "What now," he asked uninterested.

        "We get rid of the guardians," Pitch growled. "But first," he said before plunging a dagger of darkness into Jack's stomach. "I need to ensure your loyalty," he said grinning as he watched Jack fall to the floor and clutch his stomach.

         Jack groaned as darkness spread through him and filled him completely. He forgot about helping the guardians and instead he wanted revenge on them. He looked over at baby tooth and smirked. "What are you looking at," he snapped before tossing her onto the floor.

        Pitch chuckled darkly and nodded his approval. "Let's go stop some guardians," he said grinning before flying off with Jack in search of the guardians.

       The guardians were a pathetic sight and Pitch revelled in it. It was beauty in it's most simplistic form and what added to it was the guardian's looks of shock when they saw Jack was now sided with their enemy. "Too easy," Jack said as he raised his staff and froze the had been guardians.

         It didn't take long for darkness and snow to envelope the world and when the guardians rose again, Pitch would be more than ready for them.

        I'm soooooo tired but it's done!!!!! goodnight! *passes out*

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