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        well you know me.. I'm innocent *Snickers*. (insert angelic face) However, Gaston is not. In this chapter.... There will be... Slight suggestive talk from him.. Just a warning. cuz you know, Gaston is pervy. xD


      In Paris, there sat a small, lazy village. Belle and her father had moved to that village after Belle's mother had died. Maurice thought it was for the best interest of his daughter. He also thought that the new location would help him become a world famous inventor. His inventions never went far and he hope that a scene change could help that.

       In the woods, away from the village and civilization, the was a castle with a dark spell placed upon it. The prince who lived there was spoiled and only cared about himself. An enchantress saw how selfish the boy was and decided to teach him a lesson. She gave him a rose that would bloom until his twenty first birthday, if he learned how to love more than himself and be loved in return, the curse would be lifted. If not, then the curse would remain forever.

      Soon the villagers forgot about the prince and the castle, and they lived their lives normally, not knowing the danger that was still very close to them.

        Belle was heading into town again, she was ready for some new books to read. As she walked, she greeted the people happily and they greeted her back, however there's was always gossip when Belle walked away.

       It wasn't customary for women to read. Not to mention, her father was quite eccentric. They often said that Belle should be taken away from her father, but no one had the heart to do it. Now that Belle was eighteen, she still chose to stay with her father and this too caused gossip among the people.

      Belle arrived at the tiny library in town and greeted the elderly librarian with a smile. He smiled back and asked what she was looking for. Belle shrugged and glanced through the shelves, she had read all of these books so many times. She finally picked out one of her favorites and thanked the elderly man before leaving.

      Gaston spotted Belle coming from the shop and quickly checked himself before hurrying up to her. "Hello Belle," he purred into her ear as he snatched her book away.

       Belle could not stand Gaston. She saw him as arrogant, pig headed and stubborn, which he was. Gaston had every woman in the village wanting him and that inflated his already over inflated ego. Belle thought he was good looking, of course, but she would never admit that out loud. She did not want to be tied down to Gaston.

      "Marry me Belle. We'll have six boys and maybe a girl to help you cook and clean. There will be no time for reading once our days are through and I'm through with you," he said with a wink as he pulled Belle into his arms.

      Belle gasped at his brazen statement and shoved him away. Gaston glared and grabbed her arm tightly. "You will be my wife Belle," he growled.

       Belle wrinkled her nose and pulled her arm away from him. She snatched her book back from him and stormed off without a word. She would never stoop so low as to marry the likes of him! Gaston watched Belle walk away and then cursed under his breath. He would find a way to get her to marry him, no matter what.

       Belle arrived home and greeted her father happily. He returned her greeting and hugged her tightly. "Belle, I am going to go to a fair and enter my newest invention. Will you be okay alone? I will be gone for a week," he asked to her gently.

       She smiled at her father and nodded. "I'll be fine daddy. Now go win that prize," she said and squeezed him tightly.

        Maurice smiled and then together they hitched up their horse and got everything ready for Maurice's trip. Once he was ready to go, Maurice bid his daughter farewell and rode off for the fair.

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