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hi guys! if youre reading this i just want to say thank you:) This is my first fanfic/story so please be kind!
this will probably suck but i hope you guys enjoy<3

dustin added lucas, steve, robin,
will,max, jane, mike, eddie, nancy and jonathan to the chat!

dustin changed the groups name to
"we all gon die"!

dustin changed their name to

we all gon die:

dusty-bun😍😋:yolo amigos🤪

will: why


mike: kys

dusty-bun😍😋 changed mikes name to

bikewheel: WHAT
bikewheel: CHANGE IT BACK RN

lucas: just do it yourself dude

bikewheel: IT WONT LET ME BRO

will: i like it its funny

dusty-bun😍😋:thanks will its original

will: no prob:)

bikewheel: ..its fine ig

max: down bad

bikewheel: SHUT UP

will: ? anyways dustin can you change the others names aswell?


dusty-bun😍😋 changed wills name to
robins name to 'best lesbian💯'
lucas's name to 'stalker👀'
steves name to 'hairington🙎🏻‍♂️'
eddies name to 'd&d master🐉'
max's name to 'madmax😵‍💫'
janes name to 'eggo girl🧇'
jonathans name to "daddy issues😪'
nancys name to 'lovergirl🥰'

daddy issues😪: my ones just a little too personal

dusty-bun😍😋:sorry dude ran out of ideas... totally yeah

fruitbowl🌈:why is my brother here...

bikewheel: why is my sister here...

madmax😵‍💫:me questioning billys existence before he died:

fruitbowl🌈:HELP WHAT?


bikewheel: LOL L L BOZO 🤣🤣

madmax😵‍💫:die. anyways wheres el

bikewheel: no bitches? no brother? no father figure?

fruitbowl 🌈:MIKE SHUT

madmax😵‍💫:istg if you dont listen to your bf wheeler ill actually strangle you

bikewheel: .... fine wtvr

^15 minutes later^

eggo girl🧇:hello everyone what did i miss

love, el

fruitbowl🌈:hi el! nothing much just max and mike being idiots, hru?

eggo girl🧇:i am very good thank you. What about you?

love, el

fruitbowl🌈:im good:)

bikewheel: el you dont have to sign off your texts with "love, el" you know that right?

madmax😵‍💫:shut up let her do what she wants

eggo girl🧇:sorry mike but i do not care what you think. Ill do what i want and thank you max<3

love, el

madmax😵‍💫:ur welcome<3 haha mike

bikewheel: 😐

fruitbowl🌈:its okay mike i care what you think:))

bikewheel: i love you

madmax😵‍💫 screenshotted the chat!
bikewheel deleted a chat!

bikewheel: FUCK

fruitbowl🌈:sorry guys jonathan needed help with something
fruitbowl🌈:? what did i miss?


fruitbowl🌈:okay? I gtg now so bye!!

fruitbowl🌈 is offline

bikewheel: bye will:)

stalker👀:goofy ahh🤨


madmax😵‍💫:LMAOO mike ill talk to u abt this later.. 😈 gotta blast!

madmax😵‍💫 is offline

bikewheel: BRO ISTG

bikewheel is offline

^everyone else is offline^

thats it for chapter 1, i hope u enjoyed!
i think ill post chapters like 2 times a week or more! (if this one goes well)

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