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hi guys, i know this is really random because i havent posted on here in ages but i feel this has to be said.

noah schnapp has disappointed me on a whole new level. if you dont understand why ill explain it,

incase you didnt know, there is an ongoing war/genocide going on between palestine and israel. and being completely immature noah has proudly stated he is on israels side. some of you may think, "so what hes just defending his coulture?" but thats not even the point. the amount of innocent people that are dying and struggling to live in palestine is truly terrifying and noah decides to mock it by handing out stickers saying "zionism is sexy" and "hamas is terrorists" .

this has disgusted me and i just want to say i no longer support him in any way and i hope you guys dont either.

im not sure if ill continue my story let alone this whole account but this isnt due to the noah thing its just because ive lost motivation, however this isnt set in stone so maybe i will post a chapter if i get inspiration.

also please do not hate on my page after finding out my view on this topic and just keep it to yourself because i really dont care.

free palestine and stop this genocide please.

as for my readers that actually care about whats going on, thank you so much for supporting. im sure all those children would be delighted to hear someone is there for them.

have a good day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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