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IT IS HERE. THE 2ND PART TO THE DATE CHAPTER. hope u guys r enjoying so far<3


as soon as will got back home he rushed upstairs and into his room.He wanted to make sure he looked perfect.Just as he finished perfecting his hair he heard a gentle knock.

"come in!"
he yelled

the door soon opened and his mom walked in.
will hasn't really told his mom about his sexuality.
he's only told his friends and his brother.
well not really his brother since jonathan pretty much found out on his own.

Its not that he didn't want to tell her because he knew she would be so supporting,he just hadn't found the right time.

"hey honey"
joyce smiled

"hi mom"
will smiled back

"so when is mike gonna be here?"
she came closer to will and placed her hands on his shoulders

"oh uh probably in a couple of minutes"
will replied.
he had already told his mom that him and mike were going to the movies earlier that day.

"thats great. you look amazing i bet he'll get all nervous around you!"
joyce winked and smirked

wills cheeks turned into a light crimson at the thought of mike being all nervous because of him.
(which he thought was impossible)

"mom stop no he wont"
will chuckled

"sure honey.anyways i-"
a knock interrupted joyce.

"ill get that!"
joyce and will heard jonathan yell from downstairs

"hm.must be mike.well we dont want to keep him waiting go on!"
joyce pushed her son out his room while laughing

"see you mom!"
will giggled

"love you!"
joyce yelled as will started walking towards the staircase.

"love you too"
he replied

as will reached the staircase he heard faint voices speaking.

"uh hi jonathan."
mike waved shyly.

"hey?are you here for will?"
jonathan let him in

"oh uh yes where is he?"

jonathan was interrupted by will.

"right here"
will said while coming down the stairs.

mike turned his head to the staircase and his mouth blew open.

jonathan looked up at will and smiled.

as will reached the end of the stairs he went up to mike.

"you look nice."
will smiled

mikes mouth quickly shut and he nodded and smiled back.
"you-you uh you look..."

there was some silence as mike stared at will.

"could you stop staring at my brother and finish your sentence?"
jonathan glared at mike

"oh sorry-i uh..i meant to say you look...amazing."
mike blurted out

will blushed and looked to the ground.

"so should we leave my majesty?your carriage is awaiting you."
mike put on a TERRIBLE british accent and bowed

will giggled.
"of course good sir.the carriage shall no longer wait."

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