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this chapter wont be text!
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it was nearly 1am and the party were having a sleepover at the wheelers house.

"okay but like, as i was saying, iron man is overrated. all he has is a suit and hes like super short"
dustin argued back at lucas as they sat criss-cross on the floor of the basement.

"iron man is so cool dude! i literally dont know what else to tell you . the man built a suit that has everything, i dont doubt it has cup holders too."
lucas raised his eyebrows, proving his point.

meanwhile, mike and will were busy whispering and occasionally giggling on the couch.

"mike! dont say that thats rude."
will hit mikes arm lightly while laughing.

"then why are you laughing?"
mike winked.


"guys! lets watch a movie!"
el called out, interrupting will.

"el. no. literally you've asked us 15 times. the answer is still no."
will rolled his eyes.

el put her middle finger up to will.

will grabbed his phone.

el screamed running to will and grabbing his hands.

will started kicking el away.

"mike! help!"
he said grabbing mikes hand and pulling it his way without moving his focus away from his sister.

"yeah yeah go on call your hero. this is why im always mario and you're peach when we play mario kart."
el said, still occupied with attacking her brother.

"first of all, peach is-"
will was interrupted,

"okay guys how about this, mike and will, you guys go to mikes room to do whatever it is youre doing, and since me ,dustin ,lucas and el want to watch a movie we can watch it in here."
max said , pushing will and el apart.

"yeah that works. first good idea ever maxine"
mike grinned getting up and pulling will with him.

"yay!" el engulfed max in a hug,wrapping her hands around max's neck from the side and smiling ear to ear.

"shut the fuck up michael"
max put her middle finger up.


"mike, lets just go upstairs."
will interrupted,already walking up the basements stairs.

mike ran after will,not before turning around and sticking his tongue out at max.


a/n u guys ready for alot of byler?
it gets a little .. idk the word.. spicy? okay we'll go w that ig..

will was laying down on mikes bed reading while mike sat in his chair, watching him.

"i wanna put my mouth on your mouth."
mike said without thinking.

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