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"We're here." John B says.

"Thank you,well see you guys later.Not like I'm invinting myself or something,I'm just saying if I go on a walk and bump into you then-" Arabella nervously says but she's interrupted before she could talk anymore nonsense.

"We get it.We will definitely see you later Bella." Kie reassured the nervous girl.

JJ helps her get off the boat following her actions.
He bends down to kiss her forehead and says "I'll see you later,not like I'm inviting myself just if I bump into you-." he makes fun of her previous rambling but she hits him lightly on the chest.

"Yeah I get it." Arabella says smiling to the boy.
"See you Bella!" John B and Pope said their goodbyes too ,the blonde boy gets into the boat and they all leave.

Arabella enters her home,a modest house where she and her mom lived at the moment.

"Arabella Thalia Caddel where were you?I was so worried!" The woman's voice catches the girl's attention.

"I'm so sorry,I wanted to come to the hospital but it started raining so bad so I had to get back to John B's.And they asked me to hang out with them and of course I said yes because you know no one invites me to do that ..." Arabella started rambling,almost out of breath.

"What are you talking about?" Her mom asks confused.

"You know John B,JJ,Pope and Kiara.I started hanging out with them.Mom,they are so fun and nice !" She exclaims with an excited tone.

"They are good kids,misunderstood but good." Lorelai says with an honest smile.

"I know." Arabella agrees.
"I'm glad and I finally calmed down now that I know you're ok.Go and change.I'll make you lunch."

She changed in some grey shorts and a baby pink top after a hot shower ,throwing the dirty clothes in the washing machine.The girl goes straight to the kitchen asking if she can help with anything but her mom makes her leave saying it's enough that Arabella has to cook for herself dinner because she's at the hospital,so at least the lunch can be made by her.

While she waits,Arabella decided she could catch up with some reading.
After a while,the lunch is ready.Eating together with her mother while in the same time the four pogues discussed the Scooter Grubbs situation,who was just found dead.

Soon it was afternoon and Lorelai had to leave to work,leaving Arabella alone in the house.She didn't move an inch ,immersed by the book she grabbed to read earlier.

A knock on the door interrupted her,she got up and opens the door to see John B smiling in front of her.

"Hi?What are you doing here?"
"Oh yeah,we are throwing a kegger tonight and we want you there.Especially JJ,but don't tell him I said that ." The boy states with a mischievous look on his face.

"I've never been to a party." She says in disbelief.

"There's a first time for everything."

"Thank you for inviting me,I'll be there!" She exclaims happily. "Where is it?"

"Don't worry,Kie will come and get you."

"Cool,thank you."The girl shows she is thankful once again .

"Stop being so polite,we're friends now.You're one of us." He pats the girl on her shoulder."And by the way,we have to tell you something about the wreck we found,but probably tonight." John B states,he says his goodbyes and leaves.

After quickly getting ready,wearing a white dress ,Kie honks outside of Arabella's house.

She quickly exits her house and gets into her friend's car.

"You look so beautiful and hot." Kiara says right away.

"Thank you!" She says a little bit nervous "So do you,I mean you always look good Kie." She honestly says.

"Stop being so nice or I'm gonna swoop you from JJ!" She jokes laughing at the embarrassed girl.

As they got on the beach,the boys were setting down the keg,term which Kiara had to explain to Arabella on the way there.They begin to fill several cups.

"You're here." JJ states looking at Arabella,checking her out.His eyes travelling all over her body and stopped at her beautiful doe eyes.

Eventually more people show up,soon enough the boneyard is full of pogues,tourons and kooks.

"Do you want something to drink?" JJ asks the sweet girl that stayed by his side all night,clearly not in her usual scene.

"I don't drink." She simply states.

"I know,do you want a soda or water?I think we have something around here."

"A soda would be nice." She smiles at the boy,figuring out he is trying to make her feel comfortable.

What she didn't know was that,boys were trying to approach her but couldn't get close enough because of a certain blonde boy,he was giving them nasty looks mouthing the word 'leave' at every single one of them.

They got closer to the water sitting in a comfortable silence,until JJ decided to speak.

"I wanted to ask you something" He hesitates a bit "Why did you react that way in the water,you knew I wasn't going to let go of you but still panicked."

She froze at the question,after sitting for a while not saying anything,she felt like it's time to talk about it.

"Well,it's something quite recent for me." She looked at him with sadness in her big eyes."Six months ago,my dad had a fight with mom,I heard it from my room,it was about how something bad is going to happen if he won't stop this nonsense,a search but I don't know for what.I didn't quite understand.There was a storm coming up,he didn't listen and left the house with his friend.The police said he drowned while being out with his boat.The body was found at the seashore,blood all over it,but the boat was never found." She stopped a little,JJ wipping her tears that she didn't even realised flowed down her face.He took her hand,and interlocked their fingers.

"He was hit before he drowned!The blood all over his shirt wasn't just his,it was his friend's!Who is now proclaimed lost at sea.But I know they weren't alone,there was a third person with them!Someone took their lives,and it defenitely was because of this something they were searching for!When I ask mom she gets mad and avoids the subject at all cost." She looks at the endlessly dark agitated sea.

"Six month ago?" JJ asks all cliking in his head "Jonh B's dad,Big John dissapeard six months ago."

"That was his name,he was my dad's best friend!But I never saw the other man."

They looked at each other and sat yet again in a comfortable silence.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." JJ says looking at her.

Her smile grows,her heart beating so fast,her breathing almost stopped.

He got closer,putting his hands around her waist.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks looking right into her eyes.She slowly nodded mesmerized by his beautiful eyes.Their lips touched,her lips were soft he could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath his nose.Her finger tangled in his his blonde hair while his tongue was teasing her. She closed her eyes in pleasure,not even thinking about how this was her first kiss.

They separate from the heated kiss,her cheeks were flushed and thier bodies were positioned close ,his hands remained on her waist.

"That was my first kiss." Arabella thinks out loud.

Before he could reply Kie's voice catched their attention "Topper is drowning John B!JJ do something!"

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