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After John B got on the boat,Arabella notices something or better someone approaching them from distance.She taps Kiara's shoulder causing her to turn around as well "Hey,guys,bogey two o'clock." Kie said as soon as she noticed.

"What?" JJ asked as they all turned around slowly.

"Do you recognize that boat?" Pope asked."What are they doing back here?The marsh is closed." Kie asks confused.

"JJ,get the bowline." Pope orders."Should we wait on them?"

"No we're not gonna wait for them to get the stern.Go." John B orders Pope to drive off.

"Are you joking?JJ hurry up!" Kie yelled franatically.

"Don't wait for me!Go!" JJ yelled.Arabella quickly goes and help him,soon enough managing to pull it up.

"Go!Go,go,go ,go,go!"All of them yelled panicked as the other boat started speeding up.

"Go into the marsh." Arabella suggests."Let's go!"Kie exclaimed.

John B traded places with Pope,being the driver now "I'm going,act natural." he states.

"I think they are following us!" Arabella exclaims in fear.

"This can't be good."Pope panicked."Dude,you gotta go faster."JJ stated.

"I'm going!" John B said speeding up.

Arabella takes JJ's hand and as he glance down at ger reassuring the girl.He holds her tight as they sped down the marsh.

A gunshot echoes ,their first instict being to duck down.JJ jumps on top of Arabella,covering her whole body from being hit."John B,get down!"JJ calls out but he didn't listen and kept driving.

The gun fired again and they all flinched in fear.As a gunshot was heard once again,Kiara got up and told Pope to move.Arabella tries to get up so she can drag her back but JJ pins her arms down not stopping her"Stay the fuck down, you're not going anywhere!"

"Get down,Kie!" John B exclaims as she walked to the front of the boat.

She then proceeds to walk to the back of the boat and throw a net in the water.The other boat stopped chasing them as they sped down the marsh making their way to the Main land.

Arabella sighs out of relief as JJ puts his head in her neck before standing up and cheering "Yeah,pogue life man!"

"That was insane!" Kiara agrees excited.

The brunette girl that was still laying on the floor starts to laugh the other following her actions.

They soon got to the island  "What do you guys think think it is?" Kie asked reffering to the bag John B found.

"Gotta be money right?"John B hopefully suggested.

"Can we just open the bag?!" Pope bursts out. "Wow,Pope that's a rare outburst of emotion."John B joked.

"You guys are literally killing me with anticipation.Open the bag.We almost died over this."

John B opened up a big bag and then a smaller one,from that he took out a silver cylinder canister.He popped it open and there it was ,a compass.

Their expression changed,the smile on their face vanished in dissapoiment.

"Dude what?It's not worth anything." JJ said as he sees John B surprised face.

"This was my fathers."John B says looking off into the distance.


Arabella was heading towards JJ's house,they are supposed to meet up at John B's but the girl wanted to talk to him first.She didn't want to seem desperate but she and Kiara had a talk,her friend said JJ usually tends to close off to himself,her advice was to not let him go that easy,to try for him.So she listened.

As she got pretty close,screams could be heard from inside the house.It sounded like someone was fighting.She looked through the window just to see JJ's father hitting him right in the stomach,the girl gasped and ran closer to the house.

JJ stumbled out the door shouting at his dad "Fuck you!".

Blood was dripping from his forhead,Arabella's eyes widen at the realization ,her eyes filled with teras at the state he was in."JJ?Oh my God what happened?" She rushed to his side.

He finally noticed her,wiping the blood off his face."What are you doing here?"

"I,uh,it doesen't matter,your face!" She exclaimed out of words.

"Nothing that concerns you or anyone else for that matter." He states,Arabella tries to touch his forhead but he flinches and moves away,letting her hand fall down.


"What are you doing here?Leave!Go!I don't want anyone's mercy!"He goes and sits on the porch ignoring her presence.

She nods fully sobbing right now,not for heself,for him.She could see the pain he is going through not just physically but mentally too, and he did exactly what Kiara said.Closed off and pushed her away.

JJ hears her soft sobs,his heart breaking even more.She got ready to leave and just give up but stopped in her tracks.

"You know what?" She turned to look at him with red puffy eyes.He took his face out of his hands and looked at her. "What?"

"I'm not leaving you!You can yell and try to scare me away how much you want but I'm staying here by your side!" Arabella exclaims on a demanding tone.The blonde gets up and goes next to her,towering over her short figure.

"You will regret it,I don't deserve it!Don't you understand?I'm just a piece of shit who hurts everyone around him!I'm my father's son after all..." He raises his tone.

"JJ Maybank stop it!You are the most selfless person I've ever met,you would risk your life for the people you love!You saved John B from drowning even if it could've get you arrested,you saved me!You love your friends more than anything and everyone can see it because it's obvious.You deserve everything!" She takes his face in her hands and kisses his forhead.

He slowly smiles at the heraing of her sweet words.He hugs her tight ,sitting in a comfortable silence.After a little while he detaches from her and copies her previous gesture by kissing her forhead.

Sweet Soul | jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now