Chapter 11 The fight

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This chapter will contain slight smut? Idk

Jonathan had raced to Rena's house to take care of her climbing upstairs and to her room Rena sits on her bad Jonathan in front of her " p-please call Eddie, Jonathan..." Jonathan whipped his head around " Eddie!?, I thought you guys didn't talk anymore?" Rena sighed " it's a long story that I'll tell you later but for now please call him his  is number is on my nightstand" she whispers

and although he hated the idea he call Eddie " hello?" " hi this is Jonathan Byers um I was wondering if you could stop by moxies house she needs you" he says into the phone, Eddie didn't waste a second jumping out his bed " yes of course I'll be there in 10 minutes" then Eddie hung up as he put a shirt on and struggled to get his pants on he put on his shoes and grabbed his keys " I'll be back uncle Wayne!" Eddie yells as he rushes out the trailer, Jonathan leaves to take Nancy home and Eddie arrives at his girlfriends house within five minutes climbing through her window " I'm here baby!" He pants and Rena looks up from her book already dressed for bed

and although he hated the idea he call Eddie " hello?" " hi this is Jonathan Byers um I was wondering if you could stop by moxies house she needs you" he says into the phone, Eddie didn't waste a second jumping out his bed " yes of course I'll be ...

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" hey, Ed's" she whispers " what's wrong I got a call saying that you need me" Rena couldn't just tell Eddie that she crawled into a tree that lead into a alternate dimension with the faceless monster chasing her " I-I just need someone to was the funeral" she says " oh yeah, come here baby" Eddie's energy instantly lowers as he gets on Rena bed and hugs her stroking her head the two stay like that for the rest of the night

The next morning Eddie woke up and didn't see his girlfriend " baby?" He says and it was returned with a ' hm?' From Rena she was sitting in her windowsill looking into Billy's ( now empty) room smoking a cigarette " what are you doing, sweetheart?" Eddie asked as he made his way to the window hugged Rena from behind and kissing her cheek " smoking" she said dryly and he chuckles " hmm can take a couple of drags?" He smiles " mhm you can finish it you want babe" as she takes the cigarette out her mouth and puts it into Eddie's

" thank you, sweetheart " he mumbles and she nods " I'm going to make breakfast " Rena says and she goes downstairs she makes a simple breakfast eggs bacon and waffles she brought the two plates up to her room and gave one to Eddie the both of them for quite enjoying his breakfast until her phone rang she picked it up and she heard Jonathan's voice " hey we need you to come over to Nancy's ASAP" Rena sighed " ok I'll be over in 30" she says catching the attention of her stoner boyfriend " I have to go help Jonathan with something, babe" Eddie smile's and nods " ok Beautiful" Rena was a bit shocked as a guy as never spoke to her like that Rena takes a quick shower, brushes her hair and teeth and gets dressed

" thank you, sweetheart " he mumbles and she nods " I'm going to make breakfast " Rena says and she goes downstairs she makes a simple breakfast eggs bacon and waffles she brought the two plates up to her room and gave one to Eddie the both of the...

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Moxie the so-called babysitter book 1Where stories live. Discover now