Chapter 12: 011

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Nancy is now crying and holding onto Rena the two girls now have to go to the police station with Jonathan Rena sat with Jonathan as Nancy got him ice " found some ice" Nancy says putting it on his cheek Rena smile's as she watches The more she watched Jonathan and Nancy the more she realized what she was here to find Barb and Will she really didn't think her uncle could be in that God for awful place but since she was already in the police department she decided to file a report

" hi I would like to file a missing persons report" she says calmly the receptionist looks up at her slightly annoyed " all right I'm going to need the name date of birth and the last time you've seen this person I'm also going to need relation"Rena sighed trying to figure out what all the information was for her uncle " Johnston Hickory James my 9/12/1940 and he's my uncle please I need your help trying to find him it's been almost 2 weeks" Rena tapped her fingers as she waited for the information "we can't do anything right now since we have a bigger cases but we will send out a missing person files for your uncle now if you excuse me I have to go" Rena side and left going back to Jonathan and Nancy

Before Rena could sit back down kshe seen Jason rushing into the police station " has anybody seen my fiancé please I'm looking for her" Rena cringed at the words of fiancé she knew better than anyone that the word fiancé should be coming out of Eddie's mouth and not Jason Carver she quickly rushed over to Jason and pulled him out of the police station " you can't just come rushing into a police station yelling Carver" she scowled at her fiancé "I haven't seen you in a week you haven't been to school you've barely been at your house and then I find you at the police station with Nancy wheeler in the creepy Jonathan Byers!?" " first of all I could've been on vacation for all you know and probably forgot to tell you and second don't call Jonathan a creep those are only just rumors you hear me!?" Rena growls

Jason rolls his eyes and nods "well you haven't been in school or at your house lately so where have you been?" "Honestly Jason that is none of your business but since you are my fiancé I will tell you this for most of the time I've been either at the Byers  house or the wheelers trying to help with the funeral and the reason why I haven't been to school it's because my little brother just died who would want to go get their education when a little sibling just die I know only reason why you would be showing up to school if Jennifer died it's for those stupid basketball games"

Jason Scoffs  at her remark " basketball isn't stupid and you should know that you're a literal cheerleader for the basketball team and I would go on like any other person going to school and getting my education if Jennifer died" Rena automatically knew that was a lie Jennifer and Jason two completely different people Jason Carver was the ultimate jock that you would see in every single high school movie and he was a huge asshole on the other hand his sister Jennifer Carver was probably the most sweetest person she has ever known she's a nerd she's quiet and she's funny she's also on the cheer team but she can tell that she that Jennifer never wanted to be a cheerleader and that her parents and Jason were just forcing her

" wells same thing different preference why are you here Jason" before Jason could answer his fiancé's question Reina seen Joyce come out of Hoppers  car " mom!" Rena said in shock "Rena  sweetheart what are you doing here are you a part of the fight to you ok!?" Joyce looks at her daughter extremely worried " No no it's nothing like that mom I mean I was present for Jonathan's fight and I did try to take them off of Steve Harrington but he's stronger than he looks I also stayed because they said I was a witness and so is Nancy wheeler but I also stayed to support my brother" Joyce sighs in relief " thank you honey but I think you should go home and get some rest ok?, maybe call your uncle yeah?" Rena had froze she knew that Eddie was still at her house and she had to get him out because she knew Jason would be going home with her " yeah I'll go call him right now, Jason sweetheart here's the keys to my car please start it up while I go make this phone call"

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