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In the booth of a diner that had two waitresses and a manager who looked like the lead in a Lifetime movie, Faryn squeezed against Cassian who had his arm slung over her shoulders.

Across from them were Peter and the Cupid.

         Carys set their coffee mug down with a delighted sigh. "Back home they insist on serving us ambrosia at all times of the day. Morning, day, and night. I can never manage to find this." They lifted their mug to give it a wiggle, and Faryn took a sip of her coffee to be polite.

         "Don't Cyra need ambrosia though?" she asked.

         "Yes, but that doesn't mean I always have to have it." Their green and purple eyes flicked away from Faryn and to the Fata. "Have you been getting enamel?"

         Cassian picked up a fry from the plate he and Faryn shared. It made them look more like a couple. If Carys already thought they were together, there would be no reason for the Cupid to curse them. "No."

         "What happens if you go too long without it?" Carys asked.


         Peter placed his folded hands on the table. "So Eros?"

         Carys rolled their eyes. "Inaccessible. She stays cooped up in her house and doesn't give us orders or direction. It's all up to us."

         "She hasn't sent the Cupids out to find us then?" Cassian broke off a piece of chicken, which was no easy feat with one hand on Faryn. She snuggled up against him, ignoring the urge to screw up her nose at his scent. They had to look like a cute couple even if one was a Fairy and the other a half-Elf. Then again if Cassian fell in love with her because of an arrow, she wouldn't have to worry about a dagger ending up in her back.

         Peter hadn't said when the car would arrive, and asking would imply she wanted to leave and that would risk angering the Cupid.

         "Were you both in love before all of this?" Carys motioned to Cassian and Faryn with their mug.

         Faryn rested her cheek against his chest and into his warmth. "Yes." She smiled up at Cassian and really hoped it wasn't a grimace. In response he ran his hand over the back of her head, his fingers tugging gently at her hair. She nearly let a sigh escape.

         "When I heard what Faryn was accused of"—his hand paused—"I knew I had to help her." He stared down at her, locking his eyes with hers. "I didn't really know what fear was until I was almost too late to stop her cousin from slicing her neck."

         Carys signaled for another coffee. "I saw some Elves in town. Did Jack send them?"

         Faryn grabbed a fry. "Yes."

         "And if they caught you, Jack would kill you?"

         Whether or not it was true, she and Cassian nodded.

         The Cupid's bow and quiver leaned against the wall beside them in the booth. Could Humans see them or were they enchanted like Faryn's dagger?

         Carys rubbed their chin. "Do you need a distraction to get out of town?"

         Peter took a shaky sip of his coffee. "Yes."

         Reaching for their bow, Carys looked Faryn in the eyes. "I can see if I can match them. Keep in mind, my magic can only go so far. If the possibility for attraction isn't there, the magic won't work."

         Could she really allow the Cupid to make two Acurials fall in love so they could escape? It sounded wicked and cruel. Selfish, to take away their free will.

         But her life was on the line as well as Cassian's future as the Tooth Fairy. She still didn't trust Carys wouldn't use their bow on the two of them. Maybe it would best to give the Cupid another target.

         Peter answered for her. "Do it. Please."


         From a distance, Faryn watched Carys launch golden arrows from the roof of the bakery into the backs of the two Elves. They looked at each other in a daze. A full minute passed as they lost themselves in each other's eyes.

         Faryn blinked and missed the moment they threw themselves at each other, their lips colliding. One Elf pressed the other against Peter's car and deepened their kiss.

         Peter grumbled under his breath, something about how he just had that car cleaned.

         The two Elves were getting hot and heavy, nothing like the slow burn meet cutes they had witnessed earlier. Cupid magic wasn't something she had researched. Did it matter what kind of arrow was used or did a Cupid channel their magic into their bows and they chose how much desire with which the pair was hit? Maybe Carys had dosed them with too much if they couldn't even take time to find a room.

         Ten minutes later the two Elves broke apart and clinging onto each other headed in the direction Faryn had seen an inn when they drove into Moonlake Valley.

         From the bakery roof, the Cupid waved to them before white wings appeared on their back, and they launched themselves into the air.


         When they finally made it back to Peter's home, Faryn was ready for a nap, and she never took naps. In the end, the lattes and coffee had only made her jittery today. Excusing herself for her bedroom, she tried calling her mom again, climbing into bed as she did so.

The call went straight to voicemail.

         Swallowing down her worry, she slid under the covers that Cassian or someone who worked for Peter had made.

         The caffeine racing through her veins, her heart hammered, but finally the residual jetlag won, and she drifted into a light sleep. One where all her dreams were too vivid.

         When she woke from Cassian opening the door, she didn't know how much time had passed. She sat up in bed, groggy, but through her blurred vision, she could see Cassian's eyes were fixed on her. And she was a sight to behold with pillow markings on her cheeks and hair that was turning into a nest.

         She blinked at him slowly. Already sleep was threatening to drag her back under.

         Cassian shut the door. "Peter's cousin called. Aurelius is back in Sleet City."

Thank you so much for all your comments and votes. I've decided to post another chapter this week. It will be up tomorrow!

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