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Ziva joined the guards as they led Faryn and Cassian to the train station. The Fata looked as if he had never slept better. Before she'd finally fallen asleep last night, Faryn had decided she wouldn't mention Clíodhna's power to him or Peter. Clíodhna was obviously uncomfortable about her magic, and that was something Faryn could relate to. Still, at least it was understandable that Faryn would have some sort of wintery power, but for a Leprechaun to share magic with Krampus, that was a different matter entirely. Leprechauns weren't supposed to have any power.

At the station, they found the rest of their party waiting. Jack leaned against the platform's railing while the Snow Maiden spoke to him. Though he did not look at her. His eyes were instead glued to Faryn.

Clíodhna sat beside Peter on a bench, neither speaking. The Leprechaun had probably been the subject of Jack's glare before Faryn's arrival.

As Cassian and Faryn stepped onto the platform behind Ziva, Moroz placed a hand on Harumi's back

This group of Acurials was who would be keeping each other in line, ensuring Faryn and Cassian didn't just make it to the North Pole, but that they arrived alive as well.

Faryn wans't too hopeful for the latter.

Cassian and Faryn followed Ziva into the train car they would all be sharing. It was a normal passenger car with booth like seats with tables in between. No one would have a bedroom; privacy was too dangerous.

Faryn didn't feel worthy of Mother Nature's attention. But this was her role, wasn't it? It didn't matter if she thought Faryn was innocent. She was doing her job.

That sobered up her ego.

Faryn and Cassian slid into a seat together, and Peter and Clíodhna joined them on the other side of the booth.

"You look like shit, cousin." Jack's voice was nearly a chirp as he took a seat in the next booth in front of Faryn. His eyes were going to be locked on her for the entirety of the ride.

Clíodhna twisted in her seat, and Faryn briefly caught a glimpse of a smile on her face as she looked at her cousin.

Jack's nostrils flared. "Kallikantzaros," he hissed.

When Clíodhna turned back around, her green eyes shined with mirth. Could she have imagined the pitch black of them last night? It had been dark, so it was possible.

But she couldn't have imagined that fog. And the smell? She couldn't have made that up.

She pushed her hair behind her shoulder to hide any mark her neck might be baring from the ice dagger. "It's not wise to piss him off," she muttered to the Leprechaun.

"But it's almost as much fun as pissing Peter off."

Ton massaged his temples. "The difference is, I won't hurt you in return."

"Which makes you no fun, Easter Bunny."

Cassian turned toward Faryn, and his nose twitched before his nostrils flared. It was good to know her scent still clearly irritated him as much as it did when they first met. "Any idea how you'll handle meeting your brother?"

"Half-brother. And no."

"Have you met him?" Peter asked Cassian, and the Fata shook his head. "He's the worst."

Harumi took a seat in the booth across the aisle. "Because he reminds you of yourself?"

Peter continued to massage his head. "What does one have to do to get a cup of coffee on this train?"

Faryn hadn't been able to eat anything since she'd woken. It had taken an hour of tossing and turning after Clíodhna left for Faryn to be pulled into a shallow sleep, one where every dream was designed to make her think she was trying and failing to fall asleep. Just the idea of drinking coffee was enough to threaten her gag reflex.

Klaus Claus. She dearly hoped her mother had had no say in that name. There'd been plenty of pictures of her brother over the years. He was Saint Nick's son after all. She used to study each one, curious about her family in the north, back when she foolishly yearned to be welcomed into their fold. What he looked like was no mystery, but everything else about him was a puzzle she had too few pieces to.


Hours into their trip, Peter and Clíodhna had drifted off and even Cassian fought at the pull of sleep. Jack's eyes though were still trained on her and nothing about them gave any hint, they'd be shifting any time soon.

"I hope you like the cold, Faryn."

"I might not have an icicle shoved up my ass, but I think I'll be fine."

Beside Jack, the Snow Maiden laughed, and his eyes cut to her—a reprieve from those gray balls of death—but even his icy glare was not enough to chase the amusement from her face.

"What Jack is trying to say"—Moroz drummed his fingers against the table of the booth he shared with his wife. His voice was the sound of the winter wind, harsh, a warning, and yet for someone who had the blood of a Morozko in her veins, it was intoxicating—"is that you won't be leaving Ruhnerium until we find Nick."

"And if you find him dead?" Faryn held his gray eyes, darker than Jack's.

"You'll be brought to the Frozen City."

Dread pooled in her stomach as her mind conjured images of the dungeons deep beneath the ice and allegedly cold enough to make even her freeze.

"Cassian's innocent."

The Fata's head was already turned toward her. At the mention of his name, his eyes opened for a second before sleep latched onto him and took him away again.

"Whether he is the one behind Nick's disappearance"—Harumi stood, dress swishing around her legs—"he is helping you." With a glance at her husband, she left them to join Ziva in the back of the car.

"You are searching for Nick, aren't you?" she asked Jack, and as the words passed through her lips, she felt foolish, but it seemed like Winter Court was more concerned with finding and punishing her than rescuing Nick.

"What do you think my father is doing?" Jack's hands curled into fists on top of the table, and Faryn resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe helping to bring winter to the world." Honestly, it felt like these Acurials had too much free time if they could spend the day in a train with Faryn instead of supplying their seasons with power.

It was a relief, though, to hear that they were trying to find him through other means than just her. As much as she hated the man, he'd be able to clear her name. Because Nick was alive. She was certain of it. He wasn't going to die and get the chance to screw Faryn over one last time. 

I'll be posting a chapter tomorrow, and Klaus will be making an appearance in it!

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