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Using Peter's indestructible phone, Nick called Klaus, and within a few hours he arrived in their grandfather's home accompanied by Elven guards. Peter made Klaus watch the video of Nick, and to Claus's credit, he didn't try to deny Faryn's innocence, but she wasn't going to applaud the dick for not lying.

After Klaus and Nick had spoken, with Cassian hovering nearby, Klaus found Faryn in the kitchen where she leaned against the marble white countertop nursing a coffee and trying not to think about how it was her mother who was the one to be locked up in the end.


         Over the rim of her frosted blue mug, she looked at him. His hair was disheveled. The golden flakes around his blue eyes were smeared.

"Are you disappointed you'll have to wait to become Saint Nick?" She didn't know why she felt the need to make the jab.

         His eyes sharpened. "You think that's where my thoughts went? I just got my father back—"

         "Who's an asshole. You probably even think you could handle the role better. Maybe you were even a little glad when our mother took him. After—"

         He smacked the mug out of her hand, and it went flying into the white wall. The ceramic shattered instantly. Cream laden coffee streaked down the wall.

         Faryn narrowed her eyes, her hand going for a dagger that was no longer there. Klaus grabbed her by the throat, stepping close, and squeezed, leaving her gasping for air at the strength in his hand. He may not have had powers that he could use in a fight, but it was clear he had spent years doing his best to compensate for that fact. His fingertips pressed into the muscles running along her neck.

"You know nothing, sister."

         With one final squeeze, he tossed her aside. She clutched at her neck as he stalked out of the kitchen. He never once looked back.


         Not long after, Nick found Faryn in the dining room with Cassian and Clíodhna. Peter had just stepped out of the room to make a phone call.

         "Winter demands our presence," Nick said.

         Faryn's blood ran cold. "In the Frozen City?"

         Nick pulled a chair from the opposite end of the table and turned it around before taking a seat. He must think he was making some sort of power move, but really he just looked uncomfortable. "Yes."

         "And if I say no?" She'd been trying to avoid the Frozen City and its cells throughout all of this. Now that she'd finally proven her innocence, she was being called there?

         "That would be ill-advised. They wish to speak with you. They"—he waved his hand at Cassian and Clíodhna—"may come. They also need Jack brought to them."

         Her uncle was tied up down in the basement and under the guard of the Elves. Her cousin had yet to show up though Klaus had called him. Certainly, he'd be in the Frozen City, waiting and ready to defend his father. And he would blame Faryn for all of this.

         "How soon?"

         "Court is being held tomorrow night."

What are your holiday traditions?

Do you think Klaus and Faryn could ever be friends or even allies? A Colton/Iris situation maybe?

I hope you're ready for Friday when I post one of my favorite chapters in the whole book. Thank you for all the votes, comments, and reading list adds. They're all very appreciated.

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