The New Kid-1

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Once upon a time there was a boy that is named Jordan. He has many friends because he is hyper active and a social butterfly. He has a best friend named Kiero and Kiero has a twin sister named Keira. They got along well until one day a there was new student in their university. The new student was a girl. She was that one quiet kid in the back of the class.

The bell rang and they were in the same class, Jordan wanted to talk to the new girl at break. At the lesson, Jordan was getting bored and sleepy but the new girl was focused and awake unlike him. In the middle of the class Jordan was asked a question. "Jordan. what is 7 + -5 x -7= ?" The teacher asked "huh! um 69??" Jordan said unfocused "wrong." the teacher said disappointed, the quiet kid smiled as if she was about to laugh in Jordan's failure. Then another student raised their hand and said "the answer is 42" "correct" the teacher said and then the lesson continued.

As the class continued Jordan couldn't stop thinking about that new girl, that girl was something. "What's her name, why is she in this university? Is she a transfer student?" he thinks to himself

Jordan took a peek at that girl, she caught him staring and gave him a dirty look and then she took a sheet of paper and wrote "Why are you staring at me?" Jordan didn't know how to answer but before you know it, the bell rang.

After the lesson was break, Jordan was excited to talk to the quiet girl. When he went to talk to her, she got nervous and just ran away and carried on with her life. But Jordan didn't give in and kept trying to talk to her until she gave in and gave Jordan her name. "m-my name is S-Seina b-but you c-can call me I-Ina" The girl said "Oh! that's a great name! can we be friends?" Jordan said happily "n-no..?" Ina said with a nervous tone. Jordan was disappointed with Ina's answer, but Jordan was not about to give up on being her friend so he decided to sit closer to her in class.

Jordan sat behind Ina and whispered into her ear "why not?" Ina flinched as Jordan whispers in her ear. "I-I j-just... um... " Ina stutters as she doesn't know how or what to answer him but that just made Jordan more determined, he said he has a big plan to make them become best friends.

Then it was drama class and the students have to pair up. Without hesitation Jordan picked Ina. But of course Ina had no choice but to agree, because she had no friends. They were assigned a romance drama. Ina was very uncomfortable with this, but instead Jordan was quite embarrassed. But they had no choice but to do what the teacher assigned them. Jordan noticed that Ina was not happy about the assignment that the teacher gave. 

"Don't worry we can do this! It'll be fun!" Jordan said as he looked at Ina smiling and waiting for her reaction but Ina didn't say a word. She just looked down at the piece of paper the teacher gave them to make the script and pretended to think of something to write on it.

They were in the middle of writing the script, then the bell rang for them to go home. "alright class we'll continue this next time" the teacher said.


(credits to Yuko110 for the idea)

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