More Friends?-4

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After a few minutes, they drifted of to sleep...

The next day was a new day for Jordan, because he slept in the same room as his 'friend' that's a girl. Jordan woke up first and when he saw Ina, his heart fluttered. "wow.. she's so cute... wait! what am I thinking??!" Jordan thought to himself. he couldn't believe what he was thinking. He was staring at her for a few seconds before he quickly shook it off. He can't stop thinking about her though, she's so cute but he doesn't wanna ruin their friendship. He decided to just focus on the truth or dare part for now and not think too much about what he was feeling for her. He didn't want to get his hopes up.

after a few minutes of preparing. Ina woke up to see Jordan prepared in his school uniform. "hm? good morning Ina!" Jordan said in a happy tone. "y-yea... g-good m-morning..." Ina said tiredly, "w-what t-time i-is it anyway..." Ina asked. "oh! its 5:15! you still have time to prepare in... 45 minutes or less-" Jordan answered. Then Ina rushed to her bathroom to prepare

After 30 minutes Ina finally finished preparing and they quickly went to school. While they were driving to school, the tension between them was very high. Jordan was feeling it and he could tell that Ina was feeling it too. She kept looking at him with a look of excitement and nervousness, which was very cute for him. He couldn't help but smile at her, he was excited and nervous as well.

Jordan was wondering what was going through Ina's head right now but he didn't want to ask her in fear of making it even more awkward between them. He felt very happy just walking next to her though. He wanted to hold her hand but was too shy to even think about it.

At school Ina saw that Keira girl again and when the girl saw Ina, she quickly went towards her. "Hi Ina! good morning! how was your sleep?" Keira said happily. Ina quickly got uncomfortable and looked at Jordan to help her. he understood and quickly went towards Ina, "Hey! um what are you doing here with my friend here?" Jordan asked. "hm?? well she isn't YOUR friend, right Ina?" Keira said in a annoyed tone. "w-well I-I am k-kind of f-friends with h-him..." Ina said quietly. "Sorry, can you say that again?" Keira said confused. Jordan knew what Ina said, he was happy that she considers him as her friend but he kind of wanted her to consider him as more than just a friend.

At class Ina sat next to Jordan. It was one month before graduation. The teacher told them to go in pairs of four. Also with the other classes. Jordan was picked to be one of the group leaders 'cause he is one of the student council and also 'cause almost all the teachers know him

Obviously he picked Ina and Kiero. Kiero told him to pick his sister, Keira. That obviously made Keira really happy because she gets to be with her brother and Ina.

The teacher told everyone to make an act or dance or sing or some sort. Jordan told them to make a singing act or drama musical. "Isn't that a little bit too extra?" Kiero said, Ina nodded. "but wouldn't that make it cool??!!" Jordan said. "hmm.. well... what'd you think sis?" Kiero asked. It only took a second to realize that Keira was staring at Ina, "hm? oh! yea uh what'd you say?" Keira asked. "I said, what'd you think about us doing a singing act or a drama musical??" Kiero repeated. "oh! I think its fine, what do you think Ina?" Keira asked, smiling at Ina. "I-I'm fine w-with a-anything t-to be honest..!" Ina said. "ok then! its settled! we're going to do a drama musical!" Jordan said happily.

Jordan was really excited that Ina finally agreed to do a drama musical. This seemed like a good way to connect with her because it allows them to showcase their different skillsets together. He also wanted to show off his talent and show her how much good he can bring.

Jordan is very passionate about acting and drama, so this is going to be a very fun project for him. And he also gets to show off his skills alongside Ina and make her more comfortable around him. He's always been good at making other people feel comfortable so this should be no problem.

after a few minutes they decided who is going to make the script and who is going to pick the song "ok! so! the girls pick the song, and the boys make the script! everyone ok with that?" Jordan said. "o-ok then..." Ina said nervously, "Yea! I will definitely enjoy this!" Keira said. "and this will also be an opportunity for Ina to make more friends! right Ina?" Jordan said, "Oh yes! totally!" Keira said happily. "y-yea I g-guess..." Ina said nervously.

after a few hours of thinking the girls and the boys are doing nicely. but Ina was still quite uncomfortable with Keira. "so Ina! how's your friendship with... Jordan.. " Keira said in a quite disgusted tone. "I-its g-going ok I guess..." Ina said, "oh, nice! I guess.." Keira said "well, do you wanna be my friend! I'll treat you well! don't worry!" Keira said happily. "umm... I'll t-think about it I-I guess..." Ina said. Keira smiled at her and said "Yay! I hope you say yes!" "mhmm.." Ina says as she nodded.

Jordan POV

I could tell that Ina was a bit uncomfortable around Keira. I can understand why though, Keira had been kind of clingy to her... but I'm glad she was willing to give her another chance to become friends. I also knew that Keira would be a good friend for Ina, so I was glad that they would be getting closer as well.

But most importantly, this was another sign from Ina that she was starting to feel more comfortable around me! and that might be a sign she's starting to have deeper feelings for me... This time, I'm going to take these signs more seriously!

Third Person POV

A few minutes later was break. Jordan went straight to Ina and tapped her shoulder. "hey! are you friends with Keira yet?" Jordan asked. "n-no.. not y-yet I guess..." Ina said, "what'd you mean not yet?! Jordan said confused. "I-I mean.. I-I'm t-thinking about it.. " she said. "oh! I see, okay! I hope you accept!". Then Jordan went away from Ina to talk to his friends. Ina just waved at him and then started to walk away.

After a few days of preparation for the graduation ceremony, Ina and Keira became friends. They hang out a lot now. More then Ina did with Jordan. Then one day Keira asked Ina.....


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