Zoom Call-6

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Then I just continued to do my assignments...


After I finished my assignments, I contacted the group for the science project.




ok guys I'm done


it took u 1 hour-

yeah sorry

its fine
can we start doing it now?

yea sure


We went to a zoom call to do this. In the zoom call. Non of us opened their cam(I mean- would you?).

As we were in the zoom call. Only Jordan and Yuko talked most of the time. I only said 'yes' or 'no' or ''I'm sorry I don't understand'' Keira just listened and said what we say

After an hour or so. We got tired and bored so we just chatted about stuff going on, for example 'did you go out?' or 'did you socialize?'.

Keira POV

While I was in the zoom call with my group. I just muted and only answered if I was asked a question. It wasn't dry or anything, but Jordan just keeps rambling and rambling about stuff happening to him, it was kind of annoying that he didn't ask Ina about her life much. Yuko is a nice girl I guess, she's kind of talkative but not really. She just ask us questions.


Yuko      : "hey y'all, you know how there's a new teacher?"
Jordan : "for real??"
Yuko      : "YEAH, and he looks nice"
Jordan : "Ooh they're a he? a good looking one? hashtag lip bite"
Yuko      : "you gay or something??"
Jordan  : "I don't think so...."
Keira      : "you think?"
Jordan  : "maybe I am gay...."
Jordan : "Nah I'm not, I'm just joking"
Yuko      : "are you now....?"
Jordan : "I'm pretty sure I'm not gay"
Keira     : "are you sure...?"
Ina         : "I m-mean...."
Yuko      : "I'm pretty sure you give gay vibes"
Jordan : "how am I supposed to prove that I'm not gay?"
Yuko      : "do you like a girl by any chance?"
Jordan : "maybe I do, maybe I don't"
Ina         : "h-how do you know i-if y-your in l-love?"
Keira     : "what kind of question is that?"
Yuko      : "hmm how can I explain this..."
Keira     : "you don't. I-"
Jordan : "I'm going to try to explain-"
Keira     : "why the heck did you cut me off???!"
Jordan : "I don't know?? maybe cause I wanna explain to her??"
Yuko      : "if y'all are gonna to argue, I'm just going to mute you guys"
Jordan : ". . ."
Keira     : ". . ."
Yuko      : "that's what I thought"
Ina         : "sooo... uh.. who's going to-"
Jordan : "hmm well.. how it feels is like... you always want to be with them... your heart beats faster when your with them... you want to see them...and other stuff!"
Ina         : "o-oh ok t-thanks for t-telling me"
Jordan : "yeah! no problem at all!"
Yuko      : "oh wow geez Jordan has a girlfriend now"
Keira     : "what?? how does that-"
Keira     : "never mind"
Yuko      : "I'm kidding! geez!"
Jordan : "anyways, Ina do you have a crush on someone?"
Ina         : "I-I d-don't think so..?"
Keira     : "so.. you do or you don't?"
Ina         : "umm... n-no...? y-yes...? I-I don't know..."
Ina         : "*faint background noise* INA IT'S TIME TO EAT!!"
Jordan : "Ina has to go?"
Ina         : "h-how in the world d-did you h-hear that-"
Jordan : "I just have really good hearing and my headphones and very good quality"
Ina         : "o-ok y-yea I-I have to go n-now"
Ina         : "s-see you all"
Jordan : "ok see you!"
Yuko      : "bye bye!"
Keira     : "see you"

Third person POV

Ina left the call to go get her food. Her brother looked at her and asked "did you finish?" "the science project?" Ina answered, her brother nodded and she said "half" "hm ok then" her brother said. Then they just ate at the dinner table with her family, her parents were there too. They just got home from a business trip.

After they finished eating, Ina went to get ready for bed. The whole time she was getting ready for bed, she was reminded of what Jordan said 'you always want to be with them... you want to see them...'. "I think... I do have a crush on someone..." she thought to her self. 

Ina is surprised and confused by her own thoughts, she never thought she would have a crush on anyone. But thinking about it now, she realizes that Jordan is right... she does always want to be around him. She also wants to see and spend time with him a lot too. And now, she's started to think about him in a romantic way.

Now Ina is feeling very nervous and excited at the same time. She's never felt this way before and it's exciting yet scary at the same time. She's not sure what to do with these new feelings for Jordan, but she knows that she wants to explore them more.

"AIKI CAN YOU COME TO MY ROOM PLEASE" Ina said calling her brother. Her brother went to her room quickly. "yes? what is it?" Aiki said. "um d-do you have a crush?" Ina said, "what?? is that all you had to ask?" he asked, "yeah.. sorry for bothering you..." Ina said. "no no, Its fine" her brother said reassuring her. "well, I kind of like this girl..." he said, "w-what's her name?" Ina asked. Aiki just looked at Ina and smiled, "Ehe! I'm not telling you!" Aiki sticks his tongue out as he said that, running away. "geez okay y-you didn't have to run away from me..." Ina mumbled.

After Ina got ready for bed. she went to her bed and laid down. Ina is now in bed, ready to go to sleep. But she can't stop thinking about her crush on Jordan. She's never felt this way about anyone before. It's such a new and different feeling, but she has to admit that it's also very nice. It's making her feel excited and happy, but also nervous and afraid at the same time. She feels like she wants to get closer to Jordan, to tell him how she feels. But at the same time, what if he doesn't share these feelings towards her? What if he rejects her? those thoughts filled her head as she got her phone to go see her messages, and saw...


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