New Friend-2

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They were in the middle of doing the script, then the bell rang for them to go home. "alright class we'll continue this next time" the teacher said.

Third Person POV

All the students were in the entrance waiting for their pick up. Jordan saw Ina and thought that she was waiting for someone. Then he thought that he saw Ina was being dragged in to a car.


I was just about to get in to my car until Jordan tried to stop me but then I looked at him and said "W-WHAT A-ARE Y-YOU D-D-DOING??" "what...?" Jordan said confused, "h-huh?" then I realized. "d-do you r-really t-think... t-this man... I-IS K-KIDNAPING M-ME O-OR SOMET-THING??!" I said. Jordan was looked speechless but then he realized what I was saying "who... is he to you then..?" Jordan asked "h-he's my b-brother o-of course..".

As the confusion was clearing up, Jordan looked embarrassed. "He's your brother? Well, this is embarrassing..." Jordan said while blushing and giggling at the same time. I nodded as Jordan said that.  "I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was thinking..!" Jordan said while staring at the ground. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..! hehe.." "W-well... i-it's...alright..." I said as I tried to smile at Jordan.

after that me and my brother went home first. In the car my brother asked "was he your friend?" "huh? n-no! of course not!" I answered. "hm still no friends huh?" my brother said, I nodded and then my brother continued driving home without talking.

Third Person POV

The next day at school Jordan went to find Ina. But then he saw that another person was talking to her. And he went to join the conversation. "Hi Ina! is this your friend?" Jordan asked, "oh yes I a-" "n-no! she's n-not..." Ina said cutting the girl off. Turns out the girl is actually Kiero's twin sister, Keira. "Hey sis! what are you doing here in my class?" Kiero asked, as he went in to the classroom. "oh! I wanted to look for you, but then this girl caught my attention" Keira said. Then Keira and Kiero went out of the classroom to talk about something, which means they left Ina and Jordan together.

Jordan and Ina were alone in the classroom and it was finally the time to try out his plan to become friends with Ina. Jordan cleared his throat and tried to say something: "Hi Ina. Are you alright after yesterday?" Ina looked up at Jordan and nodded. She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to.

Jordan was happy about it, but Ina wasn't very happy about it, she looked very nervous and shy. "Anyway! Ina-" "w-why a-are you even t-talking to m-me?" Ina said cutting him off. "well, because you seem lonely and I thought you might need a friend..!" Jordan said with a smile, that surprised Ina, cause no one ever said that to her "I-...I-I see...o-ok then...". Then Ina walked away, Jordan still wanted to be considered a friend to Ina, but Ina is still thinking about it...

Jordan saw that Ina was still thinking about what he just said. He understood that this might be a big thing for her. He knew that Ina doesn't have friends so someone actually deciding to be her friend and giving her attention was probably very new to her. Jordan was going to wait until Ina made her decision, he will give her time and hope that she decides to be his friend.

In the next subject was Drama. And of course Ina and Jordan are partners. When they were making the script, Jordan suddenly asked "Am I a friend to you? or just some random stranger that keeps annoying you?". Ina was surprised and then said something hesitantly, "Y-you are...k-kind of m-my f-f-friend...""Really?!" Jordan said happily, "y-yes..." Ina said hesitantly. Then Jordan smiled happily and then hugged her, "I'm happy that we are" Jordan said kindly. Ina hesitated to hug back, but she did, "m-me t-too..." Ina said. Then they continued making the script.

Jordan was extremely happy to hear that Ina sees him as a friend! Jordan and Ina were spending more and more time together, they started hanging out after school, texting, sending voice messages to each other and sometimes even calling each other. This was a big thing for Ina, because she was a little shy so she never opened up to anyone before. Ina is a lot more comfortable now and she likes everything about their friendship. There are no weird silent moments when they are talking, but also she gets a little nervous when they are together. She thinks she might have a small crush on Jordan. Jordan realized something too, he thinks that he likes Ina. She's cute, funny and always has something interesting to say, though she's still kind of awkward. But Jordan was fine with that, as long as he gets to spend time with her. He hopes Ina will notice that too.

One day it was the time for the drama presentation. They did what they wrote on the script. But one thing, Ina was stuttering on every half of her dialog, but they got an B- so its fine.

After a few months, their friendships got closer and closer. Until they considered each other as best friends. Then one day Jordan wanted Ina to come hangout with him at his house. "w-what?! n-no!" Ina said refusing, "J-just come t-to m-my house i-if you w-want..." Ina said. Jordan happily accepted to come to her house.

After school, Ina waited for Jordan. Because she wanted to take him home with her, in her car. Jordan came towards her and then he asked, "did you wait for me?" "y-yes I did" Ina answered. Then she asked If Jordan wanted to come with her to her house, of course he accepted.

On the way to Ina's house, she was very tired of doing school work so she fell asleep. She used Jordan's Lap as a pillow. Then Jordan got flustered and of course Ina's brother saw that. But thought it was sweet that someone has a crush on his little sister. After a few minutes they arrived. And when Jordan saw Ina's house on the the window he...


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