Fighting Over Who?-5

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Then one day Keira asked Ina...

One day Keira asked Ina "what's your sexuality?", Ina was shocked 'cause of that question. But then she said "w-why would y-you a-ask me that...?" The question from Keira really surprised Ina. She never thought that anyone would ask her such a personal question like that. She didn't know how to answer it and so she was just frozen and speechless for a few seconds.

In those few seconds, Ina was wondering what Keira's reaction would be to her answer. Would Keira be okay with Ina not being straight? Or would she judge her? She was very nervous. Ina was very nervous about the possibility of Keira rejecting her because of her sexuality, but she decided to just be honest and tell her the truth. After all, if Keira is gonna be her friend then she shouldn't have to hide anything from her.

It was very difficult to say but eventually she did. "I-I'm bi..."(if you dislike/hate that, then please just leave. Thank you) As soon as Ina said those words, Keira's face was full of shock. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as if she couldn't believe what Ina just said. But then she quickly recovered and smiled at Ina. "Omg! nicee!" She said, "I'm bi too!"

In that moment it felt like a weight had been lifted off Ina's shoulders, she no longer had to hide that from Keira. It was a huge relief and it also made her feel more connected to Keira as well.

"so... does anyone else know? or was I the first person to know?" Keira asks excitedly. "w-well... my brother k-knows... a-and Jordan knows t-too..." Ina gives a small smile as she says that. "oh. of course he knows..." Keira says with a noticeable annoyed tone. "I-is s-something w-wrong..?" Ina asks. "W-why d-do you s-sound... a-annoyed? " she says in a confused and slightly nervous voice. She wants to know what she did wrong but she's not sure how to phrase the question. "whaaat?? of course I'm not annoyed!" Keira says as she forces a smile on her face. "Well anyways! gotta go to class now! see ya!" Keira says as she runs away to go to her class. Ina is very confused by Keira's behaviour. She's normally very friendly and fun so it's strange to see her be so dismissive, and now Ina is wondering if she did something wrong. After she leaves, Ina starts to think about what just happened. What could she have done to make Keira react in such a way? Is there something she said that upset Keira? Ina overthinks to herself.

Ina then went to find her class. It was music class. She went to take a seat and then Jordan came in the music room .Then he went to sit next to Ina. "Hey Ina! how are you doing?" Jordan asked in a happy tone "I'm doing fine" Ina said calmly. Jordan looked surprised then said "wow! you didn't stutter! I'm so proud... " Jordan said with an exaggerated crying voice. Ina chuckled as he said that with an exaggerated crying voice and she also looked happy, but then just brushed it off and listened to the teacher.

After class was change of periods of course. Jordan went to find Ina and found her talking to Keira. He was proud of Ina, because she's finally talking to someone more often. Jordan just smiled at her and left.


I was just trying to find Jordan, but then Keira came towards me and said "hey Ina, what class do you have next?" "I have science for last" I answered with out stuttering, "oh! same! but also, off topic. umm.. your not stuttering much anymore, what changed you?" Keira asked. "I-is it really T-THAT surprising!? I-I'm not stuttering much 'cause... uh.. I-I'm getting c-confidence I guess?" I answered. Keira just nodded at my statement and left. I also left to find Jordan.

Jordan POV

I was just going to class and I saw Ina, so I went towards her and ask "hey Ina! what's your last class?" "It's science, what about you?" she asked, "omg same! well, see you in class!.. or.. would you like to walk to class together?" I said jokingly. "s-sure" Ina said, I can't believe that she thought I was serious. But, I'm happy we did anyway.

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