550 29 5

1 Month and 10 days later / Saturday

Jihyos POV


I don't know why I decided to come out in the cold. But Tzuyu said we should.

"Why are we out here?", I asked.

"I'm bored. Sanas returning back to Japan tonight. I was right about her now living there. She only came back for Christmas and her birthday", she said.

"Then why isn't she spending her last day here with you?", I asked.

"She's getting sorted to leave at least from when I left she was", She said.

"I see".

"Oo I will go get us a hot choco. I won't be long", she said and headed off.

I sat down on the bench turning my phone on.

~ A few minutes later ~

"Why are you out here in the cold? Alone".

I looked up shocked to see Sana.

"I'm not alone Tzuyu went off to get a hot drink", I said.

"Can I join you?".

"I guess".

She sat beside me leaving a few cm away from me.

"I don't know who told you I and Lisa were dating but it's not true. Sorry, you saw that but we aren't dating. You didn't need to be angry that I had done that. But I do understand it from your point of view too. You ended the contract but I still would have ended it anyway. I already was moving to Japan a week before I did. I'm sorry if my actions hurt you but I am not a cheater", She said getting up.

I grabbed her wrist.

"Why? Why did you already decide to leave the country and stop the contract before I did".

"I have my own reasons".

"Can't you stay? Keep our contract?", I asked.

"You're dating Daniel you don't need my money he's rich".

"He may be but he doesn't help me with anything. I mean he gave my father a job but other than that. Bills are hard to pay still, I'm still struggling to pay for college. He knows all that. I know the majority of our contract was sex. But I'm sure there can be other things right...".

She looked at me.

"I mean you're still paying for my sister's dance School and vocal lesson".

"I am. But---".

"Sana I need you. Please", I said holding her hand.

"Just ask Tzuyu. She will give you the money you need", she said removing my hand.

"Sana. What do I need to do?", I asked.

"Nothing. If Daniel found out about it. He will think your some whore do you want that?".

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