Pilaf VS Goku Pt.2

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Bulma, Yamcha, and the rest of the group ran as fast as possible as Pilaf chased them. Yamcha threw as many grenades as he could, he also turned around and shot some rockets behind them.

Most of the grenades and rockets missed Pilaf, but they hit the walls and ceiling behind and above him. 

"No! How dare you destroy my home!", Pilaf screamed as he saw the inner castle being destroyed. 

"Run faster!", Yamcha yelled.

"What do you think we're trying to do!!", Oolong yelled.

The castle slowly started rumbling, Pilaf was instantly overwhelmed by all the rubble falling on him and was submerged in the debris. 

The group was forced to run out of the building back to where they came from. Everyone noticed the opening in the wall, "We are so close!", Puar yelled. 

Everyone jumped and flew out of the castle's opening, they all sighed in relief from escaping the building.

"I thought I was gonna die!", Oolong yelled. 

"Did we get him?", Puar asked. 

"Idiot, don't say that, you wanna jinx us?!", Oolong yelled. 

A few seconds later the ground started rumbling and the wall behind them burst open. From the blast a giant robot emerged, it was Pilaf and he was more enraged than before. 

"You puny insects! You dared attack me, you destroyed my castle, I will kill you all and enslave this god damn world", Pilaf yelled. 

All of a sudden an object crashed into the side of the castle, a bit further from they were. Pilaf turned around trying to see what had occurred, the dust cloud settled, and he saw Shuu being pushed by Goku. 

Goku was pushing Shuu by the center of the robot's stomach and had managed to shove him all the way back into the castle.  

"Goku!", all his friends yelled.

Goku looked in their direction, he saw how they were in trouble and chose to help them, "I'm coming!". 

Goku grabbed Shuu's arm as he punched and threw him away from the castle. He then headed for Pilaf, "Get away from my friends!"

"You insolent bug! I'll destroy you!", Pilaf turned around and threw a punch, and just like Shuu he grabbed his arm and threw him away. 

"Thank you for saving us, dear", Bulma said as she and everyone else stood up.

Goku then heard some screeching and saw that Shuu lifted Pilaf up from the floor. 

"It's too dangerous here, It's better if you get as far away as possible", Goku said as he saw the two giant robots turning their way. 

"Yeah, I think we got way ahead of ourselves earlier", Yamcha said as he tossed his rocket launcher on the ground since he didn't have any more ammo for it. 

"Wait, will you be able to take on the both of them?!", Bulma asked worried. 

"I can, i have a technique that I can use to fight them and win, but...", Goku was silent for a bit. 

"I want you all as far away as possible, if I do this I will most likely not be able to control this form", Goku said in a worried tone. 

"Form?", Bulma asked, but she didn't receive a reply before they saw Pilaf and Shuu charge at them. 

"Go now! Don't hesitate and run!", Goku ordered. 

Yamcha nodded, he pulled out a capsule and tossed it, from the smoke a motorcycle with multiple seats appeared. Yamcha grabbed Puar and Oolong and tossed them on the bike, he then pulled Bulma's arm but he saw her looking at Goku worried. 

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