The Development of said fate

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It was two years before the three Saiyans could arrive in the solar system that they would live in. Thankfully they had managed to catch up to where Kakarot was and now they were all flying in unison.

Bardock, thanks to the medicine, was able to recover from his wounds and was currently asleep. Thanks to the pod, the driver could be put to sleep without starving or dying of thirst.  


Bardock woke up and noticed that he was getting closer to a certain planet. [I guess this is Earth? Doesn't seem like much], he then noticed there was a pod in front of him and another two to his side, [I'm guessing that's Kakarots pod, good, we managed to catch up.]

Bardock activated the radio connecting it to the pods of Gine and Fasha. "Hey. Hey can you hear me?", he asked.

"Yeah, just woke up", Gine said.

"Seems like we're here. This planet looks like it's nothing much", Fasha said. 

"You guys said that this place was far enough for us to be safe right?", Bardock asked.

"Yeah, hey isn't that your kid?", Fasha asked.

"My baby Kakarot? Is it really him?", Gine asked.

"Yeah, that's him, anyway we better get ready we'll be landing soon", Bardock said.

 As they were landing on the planet, they noticed that they weren't landing anywhere near a city which was good, they didn't want to attract attention.

Though they never realized that someone was watching them from afar.

Kakarots pod was the first to hit the ground then it was followed by the other 3 pods. Gine quickly opened her pod and got out, she quickly ran to her son's pod and opened it. When it opened she quickly hugged her baby, who was crying. 

"Shh shh, Mamma's here", she said lifting her arms up and down while holding her son.

"Seems like we're good", Bardock said as he got out of his pod. 

"C-captain.....Planet Vegeta.... it's.....gone", Fasha said in shock as she looked in her scanner for any information.

"No way", Gine said.

"Fasha destroy the Scouters and pods, we don't want anyone following us here",  Bardock said as he punched his pod away and blew it up, not before he removed his belonging from it. 

Fasha did the same and so did Gine.

"Now we have to find some shelter and I see how we can live on this planet", Bardock said.


Everyone turned to see an old man coming from one side of the hill, "I haven't seen people here in a long time"

Bardock and Fasha quickly got into a fighting stance. "He speaks our language", Bardock yelled, "Who the hell are you!".

"Woah, I'm not here to bring problems I live here. I have a little shack up in the mountains", the old man then noticed the crying baby. "Well, what do we have here? You guys should bring him up to my home, I bet you guys are hungry from all the climbing."

The old man calmly walked up the road that they were in and continued to his home. Bardock and Fasha were wary, but then their stomachs and Gine's started growling. 

"Hohohoho, I see you're all hungry. Come on I'll make a banquet for all of us", the old man said.

"O-okay", Bardock and the women started walking up to the peak of the mountain. 

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